part 32

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Rubys pov

It was dark and cold but for some reason I felt safe and loved so I just lay there clam and at peace whitch was odd for me but oh well. Soon after I heard a voice calling to me saying that I was her family so I went with her and all of a sudden I was back the the hydra bass but I wasnt chained down I was watching it all happen. God how the hell did I survive this I dont think even the great kluas mikealson him self could think of the ways I have been carved and sliced and had my mind messed with and to be honest I dont know what mind will be like if I wake you I mean do I even want to there is so much pain and suffering. Just as I was about to give up it was like the women knew and the image changed to show my family all stood in the med bay watching me and begging me to wake and nat was holding my hand and telling me all about the frutcher that were going to have together, tony was saying how he could bear to lose you like he lost his mam and to wake up are hes going to give my room to thor witch made me laugh. After see my family its like I almost jumped and I saw people I never wanted to see again and the is the mikealosns all of them but they look sad oh well someone most be trying to kill them but I doesnt matter the are the reason im so fucked up in the first place to let the rot but they I stop and lisen to what hope is saying dad they found her she was being held as some base ruby was so small and frail she looked like she had been tourched and wasnt going to make it but a woman who was there I think her name was nat she let me help her so I know shes going to be ok but what she didnt know I did was pulled all her thoughs and morise so we can see what happened to her.

Haley pov

when hope told us what happened I couldnt believe it so when she told her to do it and god I wish we hadnt

ruby mikealson the unwanted twinWhere stories live. Discover now