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There is also their brother, Vincent Bethal, his wife, Madeleine and their son Kol but not their daughter. Little Lydia is too young for Beltane after all. Aloysius and Siobhan Vend sit also, deep in hushed conversations to each other while their daughter the flirtatious Charlotta, sits giving Niklaus, Adrion and Silas meaningful glances and tonight she's wearing a particularly near scandalous low cut emerald green dress.

Carina herself, is quite covered up tonight though she still looks stunning in her opinion. Sometimes it's more alluring to not see everything, it adds to the mystery. But her hair and eyes always provide that.There's absolutely no mystery to what Charlotta Vend wants. She's practically undressing herself in front of the Arron boys, especially Niklaus. Even trying to make seductive motions with her tongue which makes her look ridiculous in Carina's opinion.

Whore, Carina mutters under her breath as she glares daggers at Charlotta although she admits she can't stop looking at her bust and Carina quickly looks away while Charlotta continues to attempt to seduce Niklaus.

Carina doesn't know why she's irritated honestly. She has no real interest in Niklaus though he is handsome though she surprisingly enjoyed their time in the town the other day and he is her new ally. Honestly Carina thinks she likes the control and attention, she wants to be at the centre piece of someone's universe. She will not be replaced or forsaken so easily. Especially not by Charlotta with her stupid dress.

Oh well. Carina is wearing a particularly pretty exquisite black dress tonight, with lace roses embroidered subtly into the entire design, including the sleeves. It may be a little too naturalist of her to have lace flowers on her dress even if they aren't obvious but she likes roses, especially their thorns which are poisoner more than anything. Deadly and beautiful, much like Carina herself. She didn't bother with any necklace and bracelets, not with her long sleeves and not when the high neckline of the dress keeps her throat covered completely, but it is too cold for a revealing dress tonight so she needn't bother with too many accessories. Her only jewellery are a few intricately detailed silver and onyx rings and the small pearl droplets of obsidian that hang from her ears.

Carina knows she's still alluring and gorgeous, she doesn't need a man to tell her that.

But it doesn't really matter, for tomorrow at the Disembarking and the Quickening, her dress will be even grander and beautiful. Better and more beautiful than Nalani or Arwen's. Smiling at that she sees Adrion, who of course returns Charlotta's suggestive looks and begins a conversation with her, it wouldn't surprise Carina if they slipped off to his tents tonight. Unsurprisingly, Silas offers her a polite tight lipped smile but nothing more. 

There are other poisoners sat down such as Melinda Marlowe, a loyal poisoner who usually spends her time as a spy in Umbra. She has been seated next to Andrea which is unusual. Even at this feast, she wears a pretty veil that shields her face from any prying eyes. She can't compromise her position but Andrea still wanted to reward her. The Arrons always pay their debts. Everyone are either Arrons, Marlowes or Vends. The three most wealthy and prosperous poisoner families. Of course the Arrons reign supreme above the rest in both wealth and prosperity.

Carina drags her eyes away from the various light haired poisoners and turns her attention back to the Arrons. Niklaus looks expressionless while Adrion keeps smirking at her in his usual flirtatious way and Silas offers a few small smiles. Eirene, like her twin, has not given any sigh of emotion once. The poor thing is likely resisting the urge not to consume this poison-void food before her with a gift as weak as hers.

Amara, who usually would be seducing boys, has been watching her in a peculiar way all night and it makes Carina slightly uncomfortable though she does not know why.

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