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Her feet were dragging, Sehee knew and she dreaded going home for some reason. The events of the day kept playing in her mind as she walked to her apartment.

Mr. Shin's warnings ring loudly in her ears, the way he threatened her with her loved ones' life, still so clear. She couldn't think straight. She had always been good at figuring out things and making plans for future but right now she was too worried.

Were they all going to be fine? What if he somehow got between Area's dream? What if he really did hurt her? Despite being in America would Jihoon be safe? What about Seokjin?

Thinking about Seokjin hurt. He was a very important part of her life. Over the past few months he might not have been there for her physically but his short messages and calls were enough for her. When he was free enough to hang out, even his single touch was like a stress reliever.

On their hundredth day anniversary, Seokjin had taken Sehee to a very fancy restaurant. She always knew he was quite rich but the grandeur of the restaurant, the private room they were settled in and the intricately made delicacies had left her speechless and nervous.

The peach coloured, off shoulder, knee length dress made her feel under-dressed. She had started fidgeting with her dress and her loosely curled hair, trying to look better but to no avail. Even the waitress was giving her a disapproving look, as if her dress wasn't expensive enough for the restaurant.

Seokjin has quickly caught up to her anxiousness. He always knew what she was feeling just by looking at her or maybe, it was his intuition.
Nevertheless, he had caught her hand in his, drawing her eyes towards him.

"What is it?" He had asked in that gentle voice of his. Sehee had just laughed nervously, still trying to somehow make her hair look better. "It's nothing, Seokjin."

He had sighed and pulled her up on her feet and started walking towards the bathroom. Her eyes had widened as she watched him getting into the ladies bathroom and closing the door behind them.

"Seokjin, what are you doing?" She had asked, her voice a little higher than she intended due to her nervousness. Without saying anything, Seokjin put his hands on her exposed shoulders, the touch making her shiver, and turned her around to face the mirror.

Eyes still wide open, she had watched him through the mirror. His hands moved over her arms to finally settle on her waist as he hugged her from the back. He had to hunch his back a little as he rested his chin on her shoulder, placing a quick kiss on her neck.

"I don't know what you see in the mirror right now but I can tell you what I see. I see a very beautiful woman with a very beautiful and strong heart standing in my arms, letting me touch her. I see a woman I've fallen in love with and would like to celebrate every single day with." He had said, his grip tightening on her with every word.

Sehee had been rendered speechless. She had lost her ability to think and speak and thus did the only thing possible.

She had roughly pushed Seokjin to wall, grabbing him by the collar of his crisp black shirt and crushed her lips against his. He had been a little stunned at first by her aggressiveness but soon he was returning her kiss with just as much fervor.

She still remembered the way she had moaned as he had pinned her to the wall, pulling her closer by her hips, letting her feel how much she affected him. She still remembered the way he had grunted his approval when she rubbed her chest like a kitten against him.

"We need to get out of here." Seokjin had whispered, his voice rough, his breathing ragged. And they had left the place immediately.

The road to Sehee's apartment had never seemed so long. The car was filled with electricity that made goosebumps to appear on her body. The temperature had been higher than usual despite the air conditioner. Maybe it was the way Seokjin's hand rested on her thigh possesively.

Stumbling, giggling and kissing each other they had somehow managed to reach Sehee's place. Once inside the embers that had been slowly burning were now turned into a full raged fire. It engulfed their bodies as they became one, expressing with their touches how much they meant to each other.

That passionate night still burned bright in her mind. She could still feel his caresses, kisses, his body upon her as if it was yesterday. Sehee yearned for him in a way she had never yearned for anyone. She needed his love now that she had tasted it. He was her aphrodisiac.

But maybe, they weren't supposed to be together, she thought as she entered her house, immediately knowing she wasn't completely alone.


Finally, I updated the chapter!

I was going to update earlier but there was some problem due to network. Then I had to edit the chapter all over again but thankfully it's done now.

I hope you like this chapter.

Thank you for reading!!

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