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Youngmi wanted to kill Geonu but at the same time kiss him hard. She couldn't decide as the said man kept acting cute and asking her to go on a date with him. Sehee unnie was just smiling, watching the drama unfold like a devil. Ugh! Why did she agree to working with her?

Right, because the woman pulled her out of the darkness and gave her a new reason to live.

Youngmi still remembers the day when she first met Sehee. She had been running from the people who were about to sell her to a brothel. In the rain, her eyes blinded by her tears, she didn't know where she was going. As if her life was orchestrated by some miracelous force, she collided with a tall woman. The woman had taken one look at her and pulled her behind her till they were in her house. Youngmi shouldn't have followed a stranger but somehow she felt safe in her presence.

"Don't worry. You're safe here. My name is Sehee." The woman had given her bright smile and Youngmi knew, she'd do anything for Sehee unnie, her savior.


"That's enough teasing my Youngmi, Geonu. There's a customer outside, go check on him." Sehee finally said cutting their fight. Youngmi sighed in relief before moving out to take the order but stopped when she saw the man sitting in the middle of the restaurant.

It was uncharacteristically silent. She could see a few people with their backs towards the front door, as if protecting it. The next moment she saw the tattoos peaking through the sleeves of the man's shirt. This man was bad news.

Controlling her frantic heartbeat Youngmi took his order. The middle aged man smiled and quickly ordered
kake udon.
"Tell your owner, Choi Sehee to serve me." The man said just as she turned to leave. Narrowing her eyes, she glared at him. "Why?" The man only chuckled. "I know her, that's why. We go way back."

The man looked menacing at the moment, daring her to speak further. His gaze brought all her nightmares to surface and she couldn't help but leave, like a coward.

"Unnie, I don't like that man." Sehee's brows furrowed in confusion, seeing the usually tough girl scared. "What do you mean?"
"That man. He gives off very bad vibes and he requested you to serve him. He knows your name!" Youngmi almost screamed, panicking. Geonu quickly moved and pulled her in a hug to calm her.

Sehee gulped, looking at the shivering girl in Geonu's arms. Ever since she met Youngmi she had seen her this scared only a few times. That made her take a peak at the man out front.

Sehee froze as soon as she saw the man. At the back she could hear Geonu making whatever that man ordered but it wasn't important. What caught her attention were his big, chunky rings.

Sehee's blood ran cold and then hot. Her hands started shaking, her eyes filling with tears.

What was he doing here? Was this it for her? Would she disappear just as he had made her parents disappear?

No. She wouldn't let that happen. She'd fight. She wasn't the same scared child from the past. She was strong and she had proven herself everyday, every minute of her life.

She won't let this man ruin her life again.


I didn't intend to make this chapter so short but since I usually write small chapters I couldn't fit everything in one chapter.

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