1 year Special.

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Seokjin had a peaceful smile on his lips as he looked down at his girlfriend. It had been exactly one year since they started dating and he still couldn't believe she was real and in his life. It all felt like a dream, a fantasy he had harboured for a very long time. 

He moved a hand over Sehee's face, fingers gently brushing away the hair from her face. Her perfectly bowed lips were parted slightly as she slept, looking relaxed. He didn't want to wake her up but he couldn't stop himself from touching her either. She was snuggled up against his chest like a cat seeking warmth and it just about made his heart combust. 

He had never felt so content as he did now. He bent his head down, brushing his lips in a loving kiss on her small nose. The action made her scrunch her nose, making Seokjin grin wide at the cute sight. God, he loved her so much!

He moved stealthily out of the bed, moving towards the bathroom to freshen up. Later in the kitchen, he started preparing breakfast for both of them. He wanted to surprise her, give her the gift he had picked up a long ago. He had almost all the day planned and he just hoped work didn't call. 

Halfway through he saw some movement, looking up, his plump lips stretched into a grin. "Hey, baby," he called out to his girlfriend who smiled a little, her eyes still half-closed. "Morning," she said groggily as she moved through her house and into the kitchen. 

Seokjin paid attention to the sausages searing in the pan, knowing what she would do next. Her arms came around his waist as she let her lips ghost over the skin right in the middle of his shoulder blades. No matter how many times she touched him, she somehow always managed to make him shudder. 

"Why are you up so early?" she asked, her voice slowly becoming normal. "To feed you," he answered, shutting off the heat and turning around in her hold and moving his own arms around her back. 

She grinned at him, her eyes now completely closed as she leaned on him, swaying slightly as he put his chin on top of her head. "Do you want to take a shower with me?" he asked in the peaceful quietness, making her look up and him to look down. 

"You already showered," she deadpanned, making Seokjin bite down on his lip. "I can take another one," he said suggestively. The woman chuckled and lightly hit his chest. "You just want to see me naked and nothing else. Not happening, mister." With that, she wiggled out of his hold, quickly running away before he could catch her. 

Seokjin pouted cutely but it soon turned into a smile as her giggles faded away, ringing in his ears. He was completely whipped and he knew it. Now, he just had to show her exactly how whipped he was for her. 


He didn't know how to feel. Angry? Sad? Vexed?

Judging from the current situation he would go with being extremely bothered and annoyed. Here he was sitting beside her, a movie playing on the tv while Sehee was on her phone, giggling at something. He huffed irritatedly and increased the volume of the tv. The woman didn't even flinch.

This time he couldn't help but scoff in unbelief. “What are you doing?” he asked in the end. Finally, she looked up, smiling as she giggled again and showed him her phone screen. 

Seokjin’s eyes widened seeing her screen, his ears reddening a little as he saw the photo of a shirtless man, lounging along the poolside. By the looks of it, the man was trying his best to look seductive and he had to agree the man was succeeding. But the real question was, why was his girlfriend giggling so damn much?

Just then an incoming message flashed on the screen and she quickly pulled the phone away to check it. But she wasn't fast enough.

His nose flared in anger, his face taking on some colour as he glared at his girlfriend. “Who exactly is that man, Choi Sehee?” he asked, his voice hard and just a tad bit loud making the said woman flinch. She gave him a thin smile. “It's just Jihoon, Seokjin. No need to go all He-Man on me,” she replied,  her smile becoming wider when she looked back at the phone screen. “He looks like a clown in that picture,” she laughed saying that but he didn't find the humor.

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