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Yoongi didn't know why he was so angry. He just couldn't take it anymore. After listening to Seokjin being so accepting of everything, despite the underlying tone of hurt, he had become even more angrier, wanting to lash out on the one who stole his hyung's smile.

Without caring about paparazzi or the stalkers, he took a taxi and asked the driver to take him to Sehee's restaurant. It was quite late and he wasn't sure if he'd catch her there but he didn't care. He just needed some answers. Mostly because, he had started questioning his own feelings.

Getting out of the taxi, Yoongi was surprised to see the golden light spilling out of the small but homey looking restaurant. From outside, he could only see one woman sitting on one of the tables, her head down and eyes closed as tears trailed down her once lustrous cheeks.

The sight affected Yoongi a little, making him question how he should approach her. He had his questions ready but he didn't know if he was ready to have the answers.

Taking a deep bracing breath, Yoongi opened the glass door, the chiming of the bell making the woman's eyes to open up.

She looked satisfyingly shocked, making Yoongi smirk as dark emotions took over the usually reasonable man.

"You look like shit." He commented, pitying the way she looked as if she had aged a decade. Her long hair were pulled up into a messy bun, her skin almost grey. Her face looked gaunt and her collarbones sticking out horridly as if she hadn't been eating well.

Had it been really four days since they broke up? Yoongi thought to himself.

Sehee scoffed, standing up and wiped away her tears. "Gee, thanks. What do you want to eat?" She asked motioning him to take a seat.

"I don't want anything." He replied curtly, sitting down on the table she had been sitting at. He figured, she'd sit down on her vacated seat as well but she didn't.

"Hmm, if you don't want to eat, would you drink? I could really use a drinking buddy at this moment." Without waiting for a response, she went over to the refrigerator, returning with two beer bottles.

"If it hurts this much, why would you leave him?" He asked, taking a swing of his drink. She smiled sadly, her bloodshot eyes filling up with tears again but she swallowed them with her drink.

"I had no other choice and it was the safest option." She answered, tracing the path the condensed drops of water made on the brown bottle.

"You always have a choice and you make the one that benefits you the most. I can't understand how this choice benefits you." He said, his brows furrowed in confusion. What could she gain from breaking up with Seokjin? Especially when it looked as if it was killing her from inside, Yoongi thought, keeping his eyes on her face, evaluating her responses.

She sighed, taking a long swing of her drink. It didn't escape Yoongi's notice that her hands were shaking, not in a nervous way but in a weak way.

"My decision protects those I love." She said finally, her gaze steady and truthful. "Imagine this, Yoongi." She continued dropping the formalities with the same aged man. "The person you love is famous, beautiful and mingles with many people everyday. They travel often for work and you don't get to see them as often as you'd like. They get romantically paired with every person that gets too close to them and their fans curse those people for evading their privacy. Suppose your relationship makes news and your partner's fans not only get angry with you but also say hurtful things to your partner and everyone related to them. Would you willingly let them and their friends get hurt because of you?"

She paused, finishing her drink as she let him ponder over it. She let her words sink in and saw the realisation dawn on Yoongi's face before continuing.

"From your position, it's easy to say those hate comments mean nothing, but from where I stand all I can see is hate inflicted on the people I love, the people I consider family. I can deal with anything but I can't deal seeing my family get hurt. For the longest time, I had no family except Aera. You guys accepted me, made me feel like family and this is the least I can do. I can't let your hardwork go to waste because of me." Sehee finally stopped, as she watched Yoongi take in her words and the lines clear on his forehead.

It surprised Yoongi to know that Sehee was thinking like that. He knew this is not what she must have told Seokjin while breaking up, because the older man would have consoled her saying she didn't have to worry about those hate comments, they were used to it by now. But putting himself in her shoes, he wouldn't have acted any different. It made him feel guilty that he ever got angry at her. He had no right, except to be understanding and support her in her fragile state.

"When was the last time you ate?" Yoongi asked, after the short silence during which he pondered over her words. Sehee's eyes widened as if remembering something. Or rather not remembering in her case.

"I think I had a apple this afternoon. I just... I didn't have any appetite." She answered truthfully, suddenly feeling comfortable in Yoongi's presence. It was just that the man's presence was quite calming, despite the storm she could see in his feline eyes.

Yoongi shook his head disapprovingly. "You are eating right now." He could already see a protest on the woman's tongue and decided to silence her with a threat he knew would work.

"No arguments, Sehee. Or I'll tell Jin hyung about your real reason for the break up. You know he won't sit silent after knowing." He said, his gaze sharp and unrelenting.

Sehee begrudgingly gave up for the sake of her friend. He might not know the whole truth but atleast he wasn't accusing her. He was supporting her and she was glad.

"Thank you, Yoongi." She said, as the duo peacefully worked in the kitchen. Yoongi raised his eyebrows in question. Sehee smiled brightly, showing him her adorable dimples. "For keeping my secret safe and supporting me."

He cracked a smile at that, showing his gums and looking so cute in the moment. He nudged her shoulder with his own, "Us '93 liners should stick close, don't you think? They don't make people like us anymore."

Sehee laughed heartily at his sense of humour. For the first time since the break up, she felt better, lighter, in the presence of a friend who after much prying was atleast willing to understand her.

Later that night, Yoongi walked down the road, feeling much better about the whole ordeal. He understood what it was like for those who willingly entangled themselves in their lives for the sake of love. His story might not reach towards the pure love phase Seokjin and Sehee's story reached, but he could definitely understand her feelings much better now.

At that moment, a black car pulled beside him, jolting him a little. Awakening a little fear at the same time but he quickly recognised that it was his car. There were very few who would dare driving his car...

The passenger side window rolled down, revealing the driver and shocking him even more. The person behind the wheel was the last person he expected and yet, there they were.

"Get in," a voice said with urgency from the back seat, surprising him further, a mischievous smile dancing on their pink lips. Without a word, Yoongi got in as they sped into the night. Towards an unknown destination...


So, what did you think of our '93 liners? I know I never mentioned the age of characters because I don't want to put a timeline but there's something about friends of your age, don't you think?

Who is this 'her' Yoongi speaks of?

Who was the person in the driver's seat?

Too many questions 😣

Hope you liked this chapter

Thank you for reading 💜💜

Edit: I made some changes because I changed the storyline a little. If you noticed it, you know where to find the answers 😉

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