chapter thirteen: thanks for your patience.

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Harry stowed the previously promised pepper up in his pocket and hugged Barty goodbye.

"You are going to see me first period tomorrow you know"

"But it won't be you" Harry whined, slightly drunk.

They separated and Barty glanced behind Harry then he shook his head lightly and walked away. Harry turned around and met eyes with Tom.

"Goodnight" the man said with a small smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes just slightly.

"Its the morning you know" Harry said glancing at his watch.

"Sleep well then, see you later today" the smile broadened.

"You too. I am looking forward to it" he wrapped his hands around his portkey.

Tom gave Harry a small wave.

"Mosordemore" he whispered.

Then he was gone. Tom stared at the empty space in front of him and sighed. He ran a hand over his tired face.

Harry landed soundly in his bed in Gryffindor tower. He wondered how Tom managed that, he couldn't know which bed was his.
Harry lay down, he shut his eyes and the labour of the night caught up to him. His head spun until he finally fell asleep.

"Harry... Harry. Harry!"

Harry jolted upright, his eyes wide in panic. His head pounding with the first signs of a hangover.


"You alright mate?" Ron asked, leering over Harry.

"No. I feel shit"

"Maybe just stay in today? I will tell Hermione... you should go to the hospital wing"

"I don't think I could get there" Harry lied, the light from the windows making his eyeballs feel like they were ready to pop out of his skull.

"Alright. Alright... we will get a note from Pomfrey after breakfast, you go back to sleep. Mate. You look awful"

"Thanks" Harry groaned, pressing his eyes closed.

He heard Ron re-draw his curtains and trudge off out of the dormitory. Harry ran his fingers along his portkey. A small sting of excitement ran up his arms. He tugged the bed clothes up his shoulders some and snuggled into his pillow, surrendering to sleep.

When Harry stirred from his sleep, it was to Ron and Hermione's concerned faces. They had brought him a slice of treacle tart wrapped up in a napkin from lunch. He thought their caring behaviour might make him feel something, but it didn't.

He bit into the pie and Hermione and Ron talked at him.

"You are lucky you missed potions today. Snape was in a foul mood, it was scary beyond belief"

"Professor Snape Ron"

"Yeah whatever. He looked like shit too, like he didn't sleep at all"

"You share some of his symptoms Harry, perhaps there is a bug going around" Hermione fretted.

"Yeah" Harry mumbled, trying to interact as little as possible.

He was finding Snape's predicament hilarious though, the potions master couldn't avaoid a hangover.

"We should get going"

"If any of the teachers give us assignments I will fill you in Harry, and you can read my notes after class" Hermione

"Great. Thanks."

He slumped back into his pillow as his friends retreated from the dormitory. Could he even call them his friends anymore? He had spent the night dancing with the dark lord. Having his hair stroked by the dark lord.

Almost being kissed by the dark lord.

Harry held no illusions that he was more than merely a passing interest of the dark lord, but he had joined the dark for a more interesting life and he was certainly not complaining thus far. Harry rolled onto his side and shut his eyes, returning quickly to sleep. Tom had invited him back to the manor again and he was going to need as much sleep as possible.

"You know Potter. Not all of us can afford the luxury of a sick day"

Harry glared, with his eyes still shut, in the general direction of Moody's voice.

"Although, my appearance doesn't look as hellish as yours"

"Polyjuice helps with that?"

"It makes me into whatever condition the donor is in. The real Moody is in my office, I keep him like a hampster"

Harry chuckled. "Does he have a wheel for exercise"


That made him open his eyes, the scarred face of Mad-Eye-Moody was stone serious.

"I don't believe you. You'll have to show me"

"Some other time maybe."

"What do you want?"

"Can't a guy just be checking up on his favourite boy-hero-traitor?"

"My titles just keep getting better"

Barty rolled the functioning eye. "You have the first task in about a week you know"

"Yeah... trying to just ignore it"

"It's something to do with dragons. They wont be making you kill them, obviously, but there's a pen of the fiery fuckers in the forbidden forest at the moment, two now and some more are on their way"

Harry groaned.

"I will try and get Dumbledore to tell me what you're doing but practice some fire proofing charms"

"Yeah alright. Thanks Barty"

"Have a nice sleep brat" the man said as he ruffled Harry's hair.


"That's my dad"

"Have fun teaching"

"When has first year Slytherin and Gryffindor defence not been a delight to teach?"

The man left and Harry dozed off again.

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