chapter seven: in which there is a tea party

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Gore and harm warning

Harry, Ron and Hermione stood up bleary eyed from the History lesson. Binns mumbled a goodbye and drifted through the blackboard.
"Moody said he wanted to have a meeting with me. I think he is offering to help with the tornument"

"You're not supposed to get help"

"I'm not supposed to be competing Hermione." He took his chance to storm away.

Hermione would feel guilty and not question anything he did or said for a small while.

He almost ran to the death eater's office.
"Evening Potter"

"Merlin I hate these people"

Barty chuckled.

"Will Snape be there?"

"After the ritual our Lord will summon his followers"

It was thrilling hearing Barty say our Lord. Harry's blood seemed to buzz with excitement.

"So yes"


Harry grimaced. And then perked up, maybe the Dark Lord would give Snape a little crucio if Harry asked nicely. Well probably not but one can always dream.

Harry was really here. He was really about to go and partake in a ritual to bring back the murderer of thousands, of his parents. He was really about to betray the light and in turn, the entire wizarding world.
Then he realised, remembered maybe, that he really did not care.
"Time to go Potter, hold on. This thing's going to take off any second"

Barty branshished a bowler hat at Harry, who quickly grasped the curled up rim.
"Excited?" Barty said with a killer grin.

"You have no id-"

The portkey buzzed and then the pair dissapeared from the office with a resounding pop.

Harry felt ill when they landed, and grabbed onto Barty to stop himself from falling over.
"Little pale there Potter"

Harry made a grumbling sound, the ill feeling weaned but he still felt too queasy to talk. The death eater chuckled. Barty helped Harry into the manor they landed outside of.
They kept walking, Harry was glad the nausea was gone pretty quickly.

Finally they reached a door which Barty stopped infront of.
"This is it"

Harry grinned. With slight flamboyance, Barty swung the door open.
Only the scary little baby embodiement of Voldemort was in the room, he was propped up in a throne and doused in blankets.

"Harry Potter"

"My Lord. You look awful"

The thing smirked. "Watch it Potter" it said, though the voice sounded very amused.

Harry grinned. "Sorry. You look very sexy"

"Correct, it's my beach body. You like it?" The small thing gave a small chuckle and burst into a coughing fit.

Barty looked terrifyed.

"Now enough banter, you will need to put that on" Voldemort said after the coughing ceased.
He pointed at a box by the foot of the throne.
Harry opened it gingerly. Inside was mostly black sand, and in the center of the sand was a mask.
It was silver and cut so just the bottom right of Harry's face would be visible. It was engraved with snakes and leaves. Harry glanced up at the dark lord.
"This is very nice"

"Good, it's supposed to be. A little thank you for your help and change of heart"

Harry grinned and removed his glasses so he could place his mask over his face.
"I cannot see, you forgot I am half blind"

"Come here"
Harry knelt before the dark lord, which was a strange feeling since just a few months ago he would have never dreamed of doing this, and it was strange because the dark lord was a noseless baby. It reached spindly fingers and ran them over Harry's mask, and then smirked as the world regained focus for Harry. The boy blinked.
"We can begin?"

"Yes sir"


That traitor was here? Bastard. Then it occured to Harry he was here, making him a traitor too. No, he hadn't signed up for the light and Peter was a coward.
Maybe he was a traitor, but he didn't want to be in the same catergory as that rat.
"My Lord!"

Harry didn't bother hiding his sneer. The rat man stumbled as he scurried to the baby Voldemort's side.
"Call Malfoy and Nott. We will need them for this ritual"

"Ofcourse Master" Wormtail squeaked, his eyes darting up and down Harry trying to work out who the new death eater was.

Harry shivered as Wormtail pressed his wand into his arm. The rat man's wail of pain sent a tingle of delight down Harry's spine.
Malfoy entered the room very quickly, his mask was in his hand and his eyes also scanned Harry with a light confusion.
"My Lord"

"Rise Lucius" the dark lord definitely noticed the assesment of Harry but didn't offer the man any help.

Nott entered a few seconds later, his mask was on but he tore it off when he saw the dark lord. Nott let out a hollow sob and looked as though he might want to cradle the little creature in his arms. He didn't even notice Harry.
"My Lord, yo-u're truly here. Back. I saw my mark was darker... I could only hope"

"Contain yourself Thedeous. We need to begin"

"Ofcourse my Lord"

Wormtail spread a white liquid into a circle and lay the Voldemort baby in the center. Harry, Barty, Lucius and Thedeous spread themselves evenly around it, leaving a gap for Wormtail. The rat man began to chant in what sounded like latin, as he poured Harry's blood over Voldemort. He stepped into his place in the circle and continued his chant.
Harry almost screamed when he raised his wand and tore his arm from the shoulder joint. The arm landed on the ground and crawled toward the orb of white light that now surrounded the Dark Lord. The light swallowed Wormtail's arm completely.

Each death eater then stepped forward one at a time, and cut their arm open, letting their blood fall into the orb of light. Harry took his turn too. The blood he gave earlier was that of an enemy, now his blood was death eater blood.
Harry smirked, he bled into the light and stepped back. The cut in his arm dribbling blood down his fingertips.

His blood was his now.

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