chapter six: in which harry and barty plan a tea party and youre invited

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"The imperious curse is impossible to throw off" Ron whispered.

"No it isn't Ronald. Many powerful witches and wizards can do it. Like Professor Dumbledore" Hermione corrected.

Harry smirked to himself. Lucius Malfoy had used the imperious curse as his defence when he was on trial for being a death eater after the first war, Harry was suprised he had been able to maintain his Malfoy pride. If Draco could do it at fifteen it would be very obvious the Malfoy Sr. had lied. Not that any of these dimwits would realise. Then it dawned on him. If he joined the death eaters he was sure Draco would be following in his father's footsteps... Harry was going to have to be near Draco, probably under curcumstances where the blonde was more powerful and important than him. Atleast at school they were supposed to be equals, but Lucius was inner circle in the last war and that would probably give Draco a foot up. He groaned.

"You alright mate?"

"Huh? Oh yeah fine, just remembered we have potions next"

Since when was he joining the Death Eaters anyway, he bit the inside of his cheek.

Ron let out a twin groan.
Neville and Draco had been the only two to be able to throw off the curse, everyone else had done some awfully embarrassing thing.
Harry decided no matter what the professor made you do it was still less mortifying than having your classmates know your darkest fear.
Hermione stepped up, visibly steeling herself. Moody gave an uncharacteristic smirk. It was very small and Harry doubted his classmates would pay it any mind even if they did notice.

For a second Hermione swayed in her place. She was never weak, Harry knew if Draco could throw it off Hermione could too.
One of her feet began to shuffle forward and then she stumbled back. Blinking hard she grinned.
"Welldone Miss Granger. Three points for Gryffindor"

Ron stepped up next. He wiped a sweaty palm on his trouser leg.
"Ready Weasley?"

"Weasel's gonna piss himself sir!" Crabbe cackled.

"Fuck off snake"

"Mr Wesley and Mr Crabbe. I will not tolerate childish behaviour in my classroom! Ten points from Slytherin and Gryffindor"

"Now. Weasley. Are you ready?"

"Yes sir"


Ron seemed to be fighting the curse for a second. His eyes widened and he bit his lip in struggle. But then his limbs slumped forward and he fell to the ground, writhing along the floor like a snake. Harry chuckled along with the rest of the class and Barty released the curse.

Ron went red and scrambled to his feet as the sound of the bell clanged through the castle. Everyone filed out pretty quickly.
"Mr Potter, stay behind one moment"

Harry waved Ron and Hermione away.

"Yes sir?"

"Never came to my tea party"

"Well. Things come up. You know how it is, you know, Triwizard Tornament and all"

"Maybe its better you join us before I explain the mission anyway, what do you think?"

"What do I think about betraying everything I've ever known just because you guys might be less annoying?"

"Not exactly an answer"

Harry could feel the itch, not that he was going to tell Crouch he was joining because of a mildly itch to hurt people.

"I will have to put up with Draco being above me wont I?"



"Good. He needs your blood, and if you do this you wont have to worry about being abused by either Malfoy"

"How much?" Harry asked, already pulling out his wand.

Barty handed him a small glass jar.

Harry unbuttoned his shirt and dragged his wand over his shoulder, catching the blood in the jar.
"Episky" he whispered when the jar was full. He felt slightly light headed and Barty gave him a bar of chocolate.

"Eat some of that now. You will feel better"

Defence teachers and their chocolate.
Harry broke off a few squares and watched Barty screw a lid onto his blood jar.
"Can you write a note for Snape?"

"Yeah sure."

"Is he still a Death Eater?"


"Does he know Voldemort is back?"

"I think so... come back after class you have to be at the ritual"

Harry nodded and took the note. "See you then"

He stepped out of the classroom to a cluster of first years.
"Wow it's Harry Potter" one whispered.

"My mum said he is going to save the world"

Harry hid his smirk. Poor kid.

Snape sneered when Harry burst into Potions late. He gave the professor a smug grin and passed him the note.
"Sit down Potter"

Harry wondered if Snape was going to attend the ritual that evening. He had a dark mark and Harry assumed he was atleast trusted by the dark lord. Otherwise he would be dead.

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