chapter ten: hehe

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Snape bashed open the doors. "Enter" he demanded.

The day dragged on, Harry spent it plagued by the knowledge that he was a blood relative of snow white. They had defence last atleast.

Harry wondered just how long they had stayed up after he left because Barty looked dead on his feet.
Even with the polyjuice he had a hallowed look to his face and dark circles around his eyes. He mumbled something inaudible to the class and then nodded to himself.
The class waited in silence for a few seconds. Harry sighed and pulled his wand out, concealing it beneath his desk. He sent a small ennerverate at his fellow death eater (which was still strange to think about) and the man jolted upright, his eye snapping to Harry.
"Right, everyone get out your homework, Granger please collect the essays up and we will discuss what you were supposed to learn"

The class wrapped up and Barty dismissed them with a wave.
"Potter, stay behind"

"Yes proffessor?"


"That's heir git to you" Harry smigly presented his ring to Barty.

"Ooh... oh... oh no. You have realised that means you and Draco are..."

"Yes. I have, still not quite comfortable with that"

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Don't know"

"Anyway, you coming tonight?"

"What is happening?"

"A meeting, more of a welcome back party. He would be pleased if you came, I think he likes you"

Harry's throat went dry. He knew Barty was referring to a friendly sort of enjoyment of company but the double edged word sent a small shiver down his spine.
"Sure, when does it start?"

"Seven, it's going all night. You should get a little nap before hand and if you ask really nicely I will get Severus to make more than two pepper ups"

He and his friends usually went to bed at nine, though it wouldnt be suspicous if he went to bed early, he had been tired all day.

Harry nodded. "Pretty please can you get Snape to make me a pepper up, you're my best friend in the whole wide world pretty pretty please?"

Barty smirked. "Best friend you say?"

"Naturally. Youre the only tolerable person in this fucking castle that is for sure"

"Okay, you owe me"

"Sure, see you at seven death eater scum"


Harry smirked.

"What did Frankenstien's monster want?" Ron asked.

Apparently Ron and Hermione hung out alot over the holidays, while Harry was locked in a cupboard, and she had shown him several classic muggle movies so they could discuss the plot without him having to read a book.

"Ronald, he is a proffessor!"

"Sorry. What did proffessor Frankenstien's monster want?"

Hermione rolled her eyes with a huff.

"I think he wants to help me with the tornament, before you say anything Hermione, I am two years younger than everyone else competing. Viktor and Fleur are certainly getting assistance from their head teachers and let's not pretend that Cedric is an ordinary wizard, that guy is a prodigy"

"Youre the boy who lived"

"And? I'm no better at magic than anyone else our age"

Hermione's mouth formed a thin line as she pressed her lips togsther.
"Do your homework. Dinner is in twenty minutes"

A bubble of excitement flooded Harry's stomach. Dinner was at six, one hour and twenty minutes to go.
His mind wandered to the dark lord as he scribed his transfuiguration essay.
The eloquent way he spoke, the hand that brushed against his neck. The way he said delightful. The stupid word should have lost it's effect on him by now. Harry could barely focus on the wand theory below him though. He blinked. The last four words he had written were just delightful. Fuck. He waved his wand and the ink lifted itself from the parchment.

Dinner lasted longer than Harry cared for and it was still only six fourty when they returned to the common room.
Hermione challenged Ron to chess and Harry chewed the inside of his lip as he tried to not make it obvious he was watching the time tick by on the clock above the fireplace. He faked a few yawns and then finally, stood up.
"Im wiped, I need to go to bed"

Hermione and Ron nodded, neither looking away from their chess game.
"Night Harry"

"Night mate. Oh fuck off Hermione!" The sound of a peice being smashed followed Ron's words.

Hermione giggled.

Hastily Harry pulled his pyjamas and his nicest set of non school clothes from his trunk. A black t-shirt, a cream turtleneck jumper, very worn but well fitting grey jeans and a heavy hooded dark brown robe.
Harry sealed his curtains around his bed. He couldn't have someone checking on him and finding his bed empty.
He also threw up several sound proofing charms so his roommates wouldn't hear the distinctive sound of a portkey.

He swapped his uniform for his chosen clothes, and threaded his school belt through the loops of his jeans. He ran a hand through his hair and hoped he looked okay.
Finally, he pressed his mask over his face and glamoured the Black heir ring so it wasn't so distinctive.
He pulled his chain out from and over his jumper.

He landed on the tidy concrete driveway of Malfoy Manor.

"I've been waiting for you"

Harry's breath hitched in his throat. Tom.

"You failed to mention your party last night"

"Lucius' idea. How was school?"

"I'm Draco's cousin"


Harry released the glamour on his ring and stepped closer to Tom to show it to him.

"I see"

"Sirius is also showing some regret about his light choices. Would you like the Black lord in your ranks?"

"If you can get him that would be delightful"

The casual use of Harry's favourite word sent a visible reaction down his spine. Tom watched the young man's reaction to his words and couldnt resist. He extended his hand, slowly, lifting off his mask and taking Harry's chin gently in his fingertips. He lifted the boy's face until their eyes met. He ran his fingers slowly across Harry's jaw, feeling his blood pound through a vein in his jaw.
"Shall we?" Tom murmured. They had a party to attend, but he was really hoping Harry would just say...


Tom swallowed. Harry lifted himself onto his tiptoes to close the gap between them. He could feel the Dark Lord's breathing stop as they came impossibly close.

"My Lord!? It is time!" Lucius called from the open doorway of the manor.

Tom quickly raised Harry's mask and with one last longing glance at the boy's lips which had been oh so very close to his own, he pressed the mask back onto his face.
"Ofcourse Lucius"

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