"I'll see you around? Don't be a stranger Jackson," David says shaking my hand as well. Don't be a stranger. That's exactly how I've been acting.

I curse under my breath as I make it out of the garage. Paige's footsteps can be heard following me. Paige is going to have no luck of fucking me tonight because all I can think of right now is Nadia.

Paige and I climb into my Volvo and I pop a cigarette into my mouth. Since I haven't been around Blondie I've been smoking more and sleeping less. I don't like sleeping because all I dream about is her. She invades my thoughts like weeds. Beautiful, flowery weeds.

"You've been to her house?" Paige asks jealously. I roll my eyes and press harder on the gas. I have to get her home right now before I lose my shit.

"Yes Paige," I sigh ready to hear her whine. She's too much sometimes.

"How recent?" She presses. I glare at her before puffing on my cigarette more. She's stress with pink lipstick.

"Not recent. Would you mind your business?" I growl shaking my head. I'm never going to hear the end of it, am I?

Her pale hand with long pink nails slide onto my thigh teasingly. I raise my brow at her. "Is she better than me?" She questions licking her lips.

"I wouldn't know. I haven't fucked her!" I bark. Jesus christ everything is a competition with her. She sticks her nose in my business. I bet Blondie would be way better than her anyway.

"You better not have. I can make you feel 10 times better," she coos. Her hand stretches up my thigh.

"Not in the mood Paige," I growl ripping her hand off my thigh. I turn down Paige's street, not wanting anything to do with her right now.

"Get out," I growl when I pull up in front of her house. She hesitantly opens the door as she steps out.

"I'll call you?" Paige asks, scared to upset me anymore.

"Tomorrow, Paige," I growl. I need a break from Paige. I haven't been able to relax since she's been around and it's pushed me over the edge. I get bored of girls fast.

"I don't want to go," Paige says her eyes starting to water. I swallow my attitude, preparing to calm her down.

"Why are you acting like this?" I ask turning in my seat. The October air blows my hair back.

"I can't go in there," she says pointing at her house. "I'm scared Jackson," her voice cracks. I curl my fingers, telling her to get back in.

Paige's dad is a hard man. He sometimes beats Paige. Paige can be high maintenance, but she doesn't deserve that for her parents. She told me one night at my house, and I understood her pain. I know what it feels to be beaten by someone you love or, loved.

One time, when I was dropping Paige off late, her dad was fuming. He started cussing at her on the lawn and I watched as he slapped her across the face. I got out quickly got a punch in on his jaw. I took Paige home to stay at my place.

Paige quickly jumps back into the car and sticks one of my cigarettes into her mouth. I sigh, taking a glance at her. A stray tear melts down her face.

I put my car into drive and head back to my house. Mom hates when Paige stays over, but I tell mom to mind her business. Mom doesn't understand Paige's situation and I would never tell anyone. It would be wrong of me.

The cold air wraps around me like a blanket until we make it inside. Charlie is already waiting for me on the couch. She immediately gives Paige the darkest look a little girl like her could give.

"Go downstairs, I'll get you some food," I tell Paige, wanting to speak to my princess alone. Paige nods and scurries downstairs.

"Come here princess," I say a little upset that Charlie has been so rude to Paige. Charlie has always hated me bringing girls home. She says 'you're my prince Jack, not hers' whenever I do.

Charlie glares and me and stays put. "Do I have to count to three?" I question, giving her the sternest voice I can muster up for her. I hate being strict or stern towards her.

Charlie shakes her head, sliding off the couch and stomping her way towards me. I bent down to her height. "Why so mad?" I ask tilting my head.

"You're cheating on me!" She squeals. I almost chuckle at that.

"How do you even know what that means," I question, composing myself.

"Emily told me," she says folding her arms and letting her dark hair fall in front of her face.

"I would never," I say seriously. Charlie has always been protective over me. Not to the extent that I'm protective over her, but she tries.

"Then who is she?" She squeaks.

"A friend," I somewhat tell the truth. I sweep her dark hair out of her face exposing her emerald eyes "I only love you, princess," I say poking her forehead.

"Okay," she says smiling as if she was never mad.

"Okay Angel, go play," I say getting up and heading to the kitchen. I listen to Charlie's little feet run upstairs.

I quickly make Paige a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of water and head downstairs. I've never been good at making food so I stick to the basics.

When I make it to my room Paige is changed into one of my shirts and a pair of my sweatpants. She sits up from laying down on my bed. Her hot pink lips curl into a smile as I pass her the sandwich and water.

"Thank you," she hums as she takes a bite. Blondie was much more fun to watch when she eats. I snap myself out of my thoughts and lay down on the outer side of the bed.

Seeing Blondie tonight was exactly what I needed and wanted. I have to say away from her. The slightest glimpse of her makes me want to be around her even more. Hearing her angelic voice and smelling her sweet smell is enticing. I just wanted to get lost in her blue eyes.

Paige was being an absolute bitch to Blondie and it set me off. I didn't let Paige off the hook, but I didn't want to destroy her. And that's exactly what I would do if yelled at her. I wanted to scream at Paige, but I decided not to.

I can't care about Blondie... well I shouldn't. But the deepest part of me can't get her out of my head.

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