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Food, that was the first thing Adrian needed. He was starving and longed for a good meal, the only way he could afford one was to loot someone so that was what he did.

Adrian scanned the streets to find an easy target and as soon as he located one, he set to work. Within minutes his hands worked like he did all those years ago to prevent his family from starvation. It wasn't like the loss of a few coins would dent a wealthy man's treasure. When he acquired enough money for a decent meal, Adrian went off to search for a place to eat.

After minutes of searching he found an inn and he walked inside feeling somewhat relieved. Only after receiving surprised and fearful looks towards him, Adrian realized how dreadful he looked. His clothes were tattered and ruined and his hair was greasy and untamed and he was completely sure his face was bloodied and that his nose was broken. To others, he surely looked like a madman and Adrian at this point wasn't sure if he was even sane.

"Sir?" The lady who ran the place approached him. "Are you alright? Would you like some assistance?"

Adrian tried to tell her that he was fine and that he needed some food but his only reply was a grunt "Food." Well you couldn't exactly blame him, four years with no human interaction destroyed his non-existent social skills.

"Do you have the money?" The lady asked clearly nervous looking at the strange man before her.

Adrian passed her a few coins and the lady accepted it and showed him to a table in the back, clearly to hide him from her other customers. He tapped on the table and listen to the commotion outside. Oh how much he had missed listening to the sound other than the taunts thrown at him. The birds chirping outside somehow gave him hope. He remembered how his mother used to love waking up early and feeding the sparrows. Adrian didn't remember his father as much as he would have liked to. The last time he had seen him before his father, Federico Miles got himself lost in the sea was when he had told his son about a certain artifact that he was after.

Adrian didn't know much about it, all his father had told him was that he would learn more about it as soon as he turned seventeen and Adrian was now twenty-one. Before he could dwell on the topic more the meal had arrived.

He quickly dug into the meat forgetting all about manners and he ate greedily. The lady who had delivered him the food chuckled at him.

"Quite hungry aren't you," She stated.

Adrian didn't answer and went back to the delicious food. The potatoes, meat, peas and wine were like heaven to him at the time. Only after he finished he remembered to breathe.

"Thank you my lady," Adrian said, his voice hoarse "This is the food of the gods."

The lady chuckled again "Lillian, my name is Lillian," She said "There is a bathroom at the end over there, you could clean up if you would like to"

Adrian smiled at her gratefully and followed her directions. When he was inside, he gazed upon his reflection in the mirror after years. He observed himself and noted how older he looked. His face now had scars and his clothes hung of his malnourished frame. His brown eyes were sunken and if one looked closely, they would be able to see all the demons that resided inside. Adrian didn't like what he saw.

He quickly washed his face and hair by the basin and tried to look a bit more presentable. Only when he was satisfied he walked out of the room. He thanked Lillian again and left the Inn.

Adrian now was sure on his next destination.

He would travel back home.

He would travel back home to his family.



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