Chapter 14

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Adrian and Damon had reached Mount Seleses. It had taken an hour to do so but they did it.

Adrian took a deep breath as he stared at the sign board that named the land. The man wondered what his sister would do.

Did she hate him?

Would she blame him for their mothers death? Adrian wouldn't blame her if she did though, it was his fault after all.

He missed his sister. He missed her brown hair, he missed her black eyes. He missed everything about her.

She was a year older than himself yet he was way more mature than anyone he had ever seen. The siblings fought together, laughed together and hated and loved each other all at the same time.

Beatrice Miles was a huge part of himself.

He remember the times his sister stayed with him when their mother had been so upset with everything.

When their father had gone missing and was presumed dead, their mother wouldn't even meet her children's eyes.

She always seemed so guilty.

When Adrian had decided to leave in search of his father, his mother was devastated. So was his sister but she had taken it better.

She had supported him.

She was bade him goodbye and some part of the woman knew that she wouldn't see her brother in a long time.

Beatrice was correct.


"Adrian," Beatrice called. "I don't want you to go but I know I cannot stop you."

Adrian nodded slowly.

"Take care please?" She whispered. "Mother isn't well anymore. It's already like I lost her. I don't want to lose you too. You are all I have left."

"You are all I have left too Bea," Adrian said softly. "I love you and I always will."

Beatrice pulled him into hug. "Stay safe, don't do anything stupid."


Too bad he wasn't able to do what she asked.

"You ready?" Damon asked.


The two walked up the steep surface. The wind softly caressed his face.

As they walked more, Adrian noticed a path around which tulips were planted.

Adrian sucked in a breathe, tulips were something his sister always loved.

As they went through the path, the two noticed houses.

Adrian pulled Damon towards the house with tulips planted around it.

He knocked on the door.

Adrian was trembling and Damon placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him.

He heard rummaging inside the house and finally door opened with a "Hello?" he recognized well.

The woman that stood in front of him, took in his appearance. Her black eyes widened and her Brown hair fell forward. Her freckles seemed to deepen as she stared at him.

Her face light Adrian's whole heart up.

The woman pulled him into a hug like she had done four years years.

"Hey Bea."


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