I have an announcement.

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A/N: Read the A/N at the bottom before scrolling.

For personal reasons, I will not longer be making any more books. I will finish this one off with one last fantastic ending, then, I will pass my account on to whoever wants it. This includes my published books and all that's in my drafts.


1. You have to update. I find it mean to leave readers with a discontinued book. You don't have to update like I did. I wright like a mad person. Just at least once a week.

2. You can't change any of my completed books. Editing for grammar in fine. Adding on to non completed books is fine.

3. Please, don't add any smut if you continue a non completed book.

4. Have fun with it.

How to enter: Comment if you would like to enter then tag me.

If no one wants it, I will discontinue all my non completed books and the account will just remain as it is.

Sorry to all of you, but it is for some personal reason. God Bless.

A/N: I wrote this awhile ago, and I actually started writing the book again. So for first time readers, you can just skip this part. :)

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