The Trial. *sigh*

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A/N: I hated my old cover for Life as a Motto, so since I have a new cover for this book (Which in time will be explained.) I gave this books old cover to that book. I am hoping to get a new cover for that book too pretty soon, so hopefully that will be updated soon.

The day had come for Stephen's trial, and of course, Peggy and Laurens were called as witnesses to testify against him. Alexander and Eliza had also been called since they witnessed the events as well. Lafayette and Angelica were on stand by just in case. But Laurens was their key witness, especially since Stephen was filthy rich and had better then the best lawyers money could buy. That made Laurens anxious, he was scared of saying something to help Stephen instead of stop him. Peggy wasn't nervous, she knew she was going to tell the truth, and that would be enough.

"You ok?" Peggy asked. Alexander, Eliza, Peggy, and Laurens were all carpooling together.

"Yeah. Just feeling awkward and like I'm going to have an anxiety attack." Laurens panicked.

"Just relax." Peggy immediately regretted asking. "I'm sure everything will be just fine."

"I hope so." Laurens stated.

When they arrived, the four were bombarded with lawyers and attorneys.

"Mr. Laurens? We need you to testify in your own words what happened." One man said. "Your friends will give their statements afterwards."

"Oh, ok." Laurens followed the man into a room.

"Now please explain in detail what happened, and know that whatever you say will be compared to what you say on the stand." The man said. He pulled out a recorder and a notepad, along with a pen.

"Umm, me and Peggy were talking and Stephen just showed up. The Schuylers were having their usual Halloween party and Peg had just broken up with him." Laurens explained. "So then he made this big scene and grabbed my arm. I thought he was just gonna punch me or something, but then he pulled out a gun and threatened to kill me."

"And Ms. Schuyler was previously engaged to him?" The man asked.

"Yes. She did agree to marry him which is why we all were so shocked when they broke up." Laurens nodded.

"Is there a reason that she called off the wedding? Did Mr. Rensselaer show any signs of possible motives for murder?"

"No, at least I don't think so." Laurens began. "There were alot of reasons though. She wanted kids and he didn't, she wanted to stay here but he wanted to move to London. Also the fact that Stephen hates me. Peggy's my bestfriend and she didn't want her husband to hate me."

"Yes. Would you please continue with the story?"

"Where was I? Right! He threatened to kill me, but Peggy stopped him by saying that the whole thing was her fault. Stephen then let me go and pointed the gun at Peggy." Laurens started. "He pulled the trigger and I tried to kick the gun out of his hand resulting in a rod in my leg, crutches, and a walking boot."

"Thank you Mr. Laurens, you can take a seat outside now." The man said.

Laurens nodded and stood up. As he left, he was suprised to see Peggy walk in.

"Oh, hi." She smiled.

"Hey, you were right. Just tell the truth, and you'll feel fine." Laurens laughed.


Laurens left and Peggy walked in.

"Ms. Schuyler, would you please tell us in your own words what happened on this last October 31?" The man asked.

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