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Laurens got about 2.58 minutes of sleep last night. He wasn't about to let something happen to his brother, but his conscious told him to do something about this man at the same time. He had an idea, but it was about the stupidest thing he'd come up with so far. If it worked though, it would probably be the most effective. Laurens wanted to contact the killer, and meet him in person. He wanted to see if he could negotiate something and also set up a trap. Laurens knew that Will would believe him if he could third party a meeting with the killer and arrest him once he had confessed. Was it the brightest idea? Probably not. Could it backfire and get them all killed? Probably. But, it was the only option at the moment. Making it the one they were obviously going with.

Laurens had also been avoiding Peggy all day and all last night. He didn't want her involved in the plan no matter what. He knew she would be upset when she found out, but by then it would be too late for her to help. Which is exactly what Laurens wanted. He asked Alexander to cover for him with excuses of why he couldn't see her. He wanted to see her, which is why the sooner he could go through with this plan, the better.

(Wow! 233 words and no one has spoken yet. That's got to be my longest intro ever.)

Laurens was a bit overwhelmed with classes, plotting, and avoiding Peggy. But he had a plan now.

"What are you going to do?" Alexander asked. "I know something is up and I want to help."

"It's fine. I have things under control." Laurens stated. He wanted to keep Alexander out of things to make sure he wouldn't have something happen to him. Laurens couldn't live with that guilt.

"I know you. I know something is going on. Why won't you tell me?" Alexander pushed.

"Just trust me." Laurens returned.

"I don't want to trust you if every time I do I'm left in the dark. Especially if my life is in danger." Alexander argued. "Laurens, we've done everything together. Fighting Jefferson, your father, each other." He said with a slight laugh. "Why is this time so much different?"

"Ok. If you want to help me, then take my phone and make sure Peggy doesn't hate me by the end of all this. I want to keep her out of it." Laurens caved. It was a small task, but one to keep Alex busy. "I'm going to take my old phone and continue with things. Please don't follow me though, I have to go alone for this to work."

"I get the feeling you're not going to tell me what 'this' is, but, I will stay away if you want me to." Alexander sighed. "Be safe. Don't get yourself killed."

"I won't." Laurens nodded. He then grabbed his old phone, put some sticky notes over the cameras, and went off. He met Will outside the police headquarters since the killer dude was tracking the phone. He also knew he couldn't talk out loud or else the phones mic would hear it. And if the man could hack into his camera, Laurens figured he could hack into all of it.

He met will at a table in the park. Will sat down and Laurens gestured for him not to speak. He held up a small whiteboard that read,

I need your help with something.

Will shrugged his shoulders giving a, 'with what?' kind of look.

Laurens cleaned of the whiteboard and wrote something else on it.

The man who I claimed was the killer, he's still out there and has been threatening me and my family.

Will looked shocked. He took the whiteboard from Laurens and wrote,

But we arrested the guy who framed you for murder.

Laurens took it back and wrote again.

He framed that guy too. If you don't believe me, I can show you the texts.

I believe you. Will wrote back. So you wanted to turn him in?

Laurens cleaned it off and wrote,

I want you to help me in a trap. If we talk to the police now, he'll go after my family.

Laurens wiped it off again to make more room.

I want to trap him.

Laurens explained the rest of his plan which was just that Laurens would meet up with the man while wearing a mic and try to get him to say something that Will could use as evidence to arrest him on the spot. It would be Laurens' life on the line, but he trusted Will to help him out like he had before.

Sorry that this one was shorter. I didn't want to meet up to happen in this chapter or it would be really long and I don't have the time right now. Sorry :(

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