Jeggy for the win.

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A/N: Well.... As if my life wasn't busy enough, my family just found out that our landlord is kicking us out of our house because he wants to sell it. So now we have to move by Halloween I think, and we have no preparations and packing sucks. So, the solution I came up with is that I will be wrapping this book up and before I start the next one, (which will definitely be after I move) I will release a prequel book about Alexander that's already mostly written, so that I can help my family. I'm sorry. I hope that's ok.

Warning: Peggy's gonna have a meltdown.

Laurens had to go explain why he was avoiding Peggy. He knew she wouldn't like it, but considering Alexander almost died, he had no doubts that he did the right thing in keeping her in the dark. He missed her though. All the time he had to spend away from her, even if it really wasn't that long, was killing him. He needed to see her face again. He needed to go see her. He needed Jeggy, I mean Peggy. But he didn't realize how much Peggy needed him too. Their love did go both ways, and she had been worried about him from the first excuse Alexander gave, especially since after awhile she just stopped believing him.

Laurens found out that she was at her house and went to visit her immediately, after a quick call to the Washingtons and Laf of course. But now that all his family knew everything was ok, he needed one more person to know.

He knocked on the door and waited until a staff member opened it.

"Is Peggy home?" Laurens asked.

"Yes, Miss Peggy is home." The lady smiled. "Would you like to come in?"

"Yes, thank you." Laurens smiled. He ran inside and went up the stairs to Peggy's room. He saw her pacing around while watching TV. Well, sorta watching TV. "Hey, stranger."

"Oh my gosh." She ran over and hugged him. "Where have you been? I've tried calling you, texting you, emailing you. You weren't responding to anything. I didn't know what else to do. What happened?"

"You're gonna be mad, but I was off almost getting killed again. And Alexander for that matter." Laurens explained.

"Alexander knew about this?" Peggy asked. "I knew it! He was lying to me the whole time. And you asked him to, didn't you?"

"Peg, I know you're upset. But if this were reversed..." Laurens began before Peggy cut him off.

"It's never reversed! I can't have you running off and leaving me out of these things. What if you were killed?" Peggy asked. "I wouldn't have even gotten to say goodbye or that I love you. I probably wouldn't have even remembered my last words to you." She ranted.

Laurens was taken aback. He never thought about it like that. He knew if it was reversed he would feel the same way. "I'm sorry. But you have to understand, if anything happened to you because of me... I would never forgive myself."

"Laurens. Nothing is going to happen to me. You wouldn't let that happen." Peggy explained.

"What if I died then somebody tried to kill you?" Laurens asked.

"Then I will die with you! I wouldn't want to live in a world that you weren't in! I couldn't, I have and I never want to do it again! I couldn't do it again!" Peggy yelled. She paused and let out a sigh. "When I was with Stephen, that was the worst time of my life. And I regretted every moment of it. I spent every day, wondering what pain could've been avoided, if I hadn't let him trick me. If I had just ignored him and told him how much I love you. If I hadn't closed you off and just explained what was going on. But I didn't. And I hate myself for that. I hurt myself, I hurt Stephen, and I hurt you. And worst of all, I lost you. And I don't deserve to be with you again, because you are a great man." She started tearing up. "And you never did anything to me. And I hurt you. But I do get to be with you now. I'm going to be with you until the end of my days." She cried. "And no one is going to change that. No one."

Laurens walked over and hugged her. Peggy quickly wrapped her arms around him and just cried into his shoulder. He could hear her mumbling 'I'm sorry' every few seconds. He had guilt.

"It's ok, Peg. I forgive you, and I love you too." He hugged her tightly. "It's ok."

"It's not." Peggy whimpered.

"It is." Laurens pulled back and looked her in her tear stained eyes. "I won't do this again. I promise, we're in this together. Forever."

Peggy smiled and nodded. "I don't deserve you."

"You do. Everyone makes mistakes. Remember when I was with Kitty? I was a huge jerk!" Laurens reminded her. "Nobody is perfect. And you shouldn't expect yourself to be."

Peggy smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Laurens met her the rest of the way.

"You still kiss like a beginner." Peggy laughed.

"To be fair, I didn't have any practice before you." Laurens rolled his eyes with a smile.

"But remember. We're in this together." Peggy said.

"I know. Together till the day we die." Laurens smiled.

A/N: yep. So that's the end here. I will eventually post a sequel if you guys wish, but I will be going with something that is already mostly prewritten. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If not, sorry.

Stuck In A MomentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora