You Know What You Did

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Pippa lay on the couch, covered in tissues from crying. Her hair was in a matted messy bun, and she wore an oversized sweatshirt, making her feel as small on the outside as she did on the inside. Her pillow was wet with tears, and she was watching some shitty soap opera. She looked grimly down at her phone. She had a new text. From Lin.

Lin: Hey, you disappeared! Are we still on for dinner with Jazz and Ant? Or would you rather stay in?

She didn't want to talk to him.

Lin: Okay, I'm coming over. On my way.

She buried her face in her pillow and continued to sob. She didn't want Lin coming over. She just wanted to be left alone. A half an hour or so later, the door slowly opened.

"Pippa?" Lin asked softly. She turned from the TV. Lin's heart broke at the sight of her. Her makeup was smeared, eyes swollen from crying. He closed the door behind him and hurried over. "What happened? Was it Steven?"

"Lin, please go away. I don't wanna talk to you." She sniffed.

"Why?" Lin asked. "I just want to know why you're upset." He leaned over to kiss her but she swatted him away.

"Because. I know what you did. It's ok, I deserve it." She whimpered.

"What?" Lin asked, seemingly confused. "I don't get it."

"Neither do I," she said softly. "What's wrong with me? I should just go die. Nobody wants me. I'm not enough for anyone."

"Pippa!" Lin cried. "Don't say that please! You're more than enough for me. I'm so lucky to be your boyfriend."

"If that was true you wouldn't cheat on me!" She bawled. The tears came flooding out and she couldn't control it.

"What?! I didn't cheat on you." Lin said. "I love you."

"Please....leave....Lin." She managed to say between sobs. He kissed her on the cheek and left, closing the door behind him.

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