The Hospital

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Pippa managed to open her eyes. It was blurry and
all she could make out was a male figure sitting beside her. Was it Steven? If it was, she didn't want to talk to him. She heard the shrill sound of the beep of a machine, and realized where she was. Things became a bit more clear. A pot of flowers sitting on a dresser. She was in the hospital?

"Phillipa, the good news is, you only have a broken arm." The figure's voice said. It was a doctor. He stood up from his chair and hovered over her. "You awake? You were out for a few hours." 

"Ya," Pippa replied groggily. "I'm ok." She went to reach for the glass of water on the table beside her. Then she felt the pain in her arm. She winced, for it felt like someone had snapped it in half.

"What's your emergency contact?" The doctor asked, holding a clipboard now. She knew it was Steven. But she didn't want to call him, not after today. It was bright, and the doctor said she was out for a few hours, so she figured it was the next day.

"Uh," She thought for a minute. Then she gave the man a phone number.

"Alright," said the man. "I'll be back." He left the room. 

                               •                 •               •

A few minutes later, she heard the doctor speaking to someone outside. "She's in here. She just recently woke up, so be gentle."

They walked in.

"Pippa!" The man said.

"Hi Lin." She replied, turning to look at him.

"Oh, I'm so glad your okay! How did this happen?" Lin asked.

"Uhh, long story." Pippa didn't really want to tell him that she spied on Steve having an affair in the park and got hit running away. "But I'm okay now. Just a broken arm."

Lin smiled sadly. "Well, Vanessa's in the car with Sebastian so I gotta be quick, but I brought you these." He came up to her and handed her a beautiful bouquet of roses. He stroked her hair out of her face behind her ear. "I was so worried Pips. When you didn't show up to the theatre last night I thought you had died."

"Don't be dramatic," Pippa laughed, but grinned at Lin's concern.

"Lin!" She heard a women's voice say. Vanessa rushed into the room, holding hands with Sebastian. Lin let go of Pippa's hand quickly. "Hi Phillipa." She said calmly. "I'm glad your ok."

Pippa nodded carefully. "Thanks V."

"I'm sorry to be a buzzkill but Seb's school starts in five minutes and we really have to get going."

"We'll have your understudy fill in for however long it takes for you to heal," Lin reassured her. Vanessa gave him a hurried look.

"Bye Pips," Lin said, looking at her one last time before exiting.

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