The Theatre

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The eerie shadows cast on the sidewalk made Pippa jump as she walked down the street. The door to the theatre looked different at night. She took a minute fumbling with the lock, but managed to get it open. It was hard to see, so she pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight. Because she had broken her left arm, her dominant one, it was hard to push buttons and hold things. She carefully made her way toward her dressing room backstage, and reached for the light switch. She couldn't go back to her apartment for now. Not after what happened with Steven. She flicked the switch.

"Who's there?!" A familiar voice said. She turned. It was Lin. 

"Lin, what are you doing here?" Pippa said, still shaking from the scare. 

He was sitting fiddling with some wires."There were some tech issues, so I came early to check it out. Why are you here?" 

"I told Steven I know, Pippa confessed. 

"Are you going to try to sort things out?"Lin asked, looking up at her.

"I don't know," Pippa responded. "A week ago we were better than ever. We went out to a special expensive dinner and he told me I was the only one for him."

"Bullshit." Lin said, and Pippa nodded. 

"I know. I can't believe he could do that to me I just-" 

"You just what?"

"I- I thought he was different."

"I'm so sorry Pippa," Lin said, noticing that she was fighting back tears. "He doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone better. Someone who knows how truly incredible you are." Pippa slipped a small smile. 

"No, I don't deserve him. I must be a pretty shitty wife for him to cheat on me. I should just go away, nobody wants me."

"Pips!" Lin exclaimed, shocked. "You are one of the most incredible, talented, beautiful women I have ever met. Any guy would be lucky to have you. You'll find someone that makes you feel like the most special girl out there."

"Like you and Vanessa." Pippa said softly.

"Yeah," Lin responded. "Like me and Vanessa."

There was a moment of tension between them.

"Anyways," Pippa explained.  "I can't go back to him, not after he slept with another woman." 

Lin saw the pain in her eyes and set down what he was doing. He gestured her to come over to where he was sitting against the wooden wall, his arm open. She kneeled over and snuggled into his embrace, resting her head on his chest, as he stroked her hair calmly. They sat there in a refreshing silence as the sun rose.

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