Backstage Emergency

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"Lin!" Pippa cried, kneeling over. He lay on the ground backstage, his arms sprawled out and his face unmoving. Pippa put her hand of his wrist to make sure he was still breathing, and thankfully, he was. She let out a sigh of relief, but her face of terror didn't budge. The show was still going, so she couldn't call out for help.

"Lin. Wake up. Please." She begged quietly but harshly, choking on her tears and shaking him. He didn't budge. She was struggling to find air, and her watery eyes blinded her as she tried to find help. She spotted Jasmine running by and whispered loudly through sobs, "Jazzy!" Jazzy turned around and quickly scurried over.

"Holy shit what happened?!" Jazzy asked. She pulled out her phone and dialed 911. Jazzy calmed Pippa as she struggle for air, sobbing and gasping. The two sent Renee to go tell Lin and Pippa's understudies that they needed to fill in. Pippa sat backstage on the couch with Lin lying on her lap. She lay her head on his chest just to feel the comfort of his heartbeat.
•                 •                •

"Intoxication." The doctor said.

"What?" Pippa said frantically. "Does that mean he was poisoned?!"

"Well, not exactly." The man replied. "We found huge doses of GHB in his system."

"GHB?" Pippa asked. "What's that?" She needed answers. She paced back and forth in the waiting room. 

"GHB is a drug put in water in small doses to make people drowsy or nauseous. The amount we found in him was enough to last one child three months."

Pippa felt light headed. How could this happen? Then she realized. The water. Her water. That she gave to Lin before the show began. Did someone plant it in her water bottle? She felt like she was gonna be sick. She ran over to the trash can, and the doctor looked away as she let it out. 

"Pippa!" She heard a voice say. It was Renee, with Sebastian. "Have you seen him yet?"

The doctor walked over. "You can go in now, he's awake." She walked in and embraced Lin harder than she ever had before. 

"How are you feeling" She asked.

"I'll be alright." He said quietly. She kissed him.

"I'm just glad your okay."

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