Lost and Found

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It had been about an hour, and Pippa was still in the same position. It was intermission. She knew because she could hear the audience's chatter. Nobody that she knew of had come looking for her, and she didn't see why they would. She had screwed up everyone's lives. She was going to rot down here, and nobody would care, and they could all be happy. 

"Where is she?!" Lin asked, during intermission. "I can't keep sitting around like this waiting for her to show up! My true love is missing." Lin didn't normally cry, but he felt tears welling up in his eyes as he searched every possible room. People were helping him, but they were mainly focused on the show. "Don't you people care?" Lin asked. "She's missing. And so is a piece of my heart. I won't go back onstage until we've searched everywhere.

"There is one place we haven't searched," Thayne said, "But I don't see why she'd be down there. No one ever goes in the basement."

"Thayne," Lin begged. They were on in five minutes. "Please." Thayne sighed and they headed down the deep, dark staircase. Thayne tried to open the door, but it was locked. 

"Sorry Lin." he said. But instead of following Thayne back up the stairs, he pulled out a bobby pin from his hair and stuck it in the lock.

"Perks of having long hair," He smiled.

"Two minutes! Two minutes everyone!" He heard from upstairs. He opened the door. It was hard to see in the dark, but he spotted a drawstring light hanging from the ceiling. He pulled it. "CLICK!"

Pippa was tied to the chair on the other side of the room. She was bruised and bloody, and her face was damp with tears. Lin ran over to her.

"Pippa!" He cried, untying her. "I was so worried, oh my God." He kissed her and held her close, ripping the towel out of her mouth as she gasped for air.  

"Lin!" She sobbed. She'd never been so thankful to to see anyone in her whole life. Suddenly, the music for the second act started. 

"Oh, Shit!" Lin said. He picked Pippa up, for she was in no condition to run up all those stairs. 

"Wait!" Thayne said, spotting a gold earring on the ground. He picked it up, and they sprinted up the stairs. They grabbed Jonathan from backstage.

"Can you please stay here and watch Pips?" Lin asked desperately, setting her on a chair.

"Of course!" he said. He looked at her all bruised and traumatized, and his jaw hit the floor. "Holy shit what happened?!" 

"No time to explain. We gotta go." Lin and Thayne ran onto stage as quick as they could. Pippa sat in the chair, still shaking. She wasn't safe yet. Someone tried to kill her. And as soon as they found out she'd been saved, there was gonna be real chaos.

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