Chapter 4 - Her

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Chapter 4


"I don't know why you guys are acting like this is a big deal."

"I wish I was there to see it." Abi gushed, smiling to herself.

"It is a big deal. He spoke to you. You guys had a mini food fight. You had fun. With Ethan. He had fun. I wish I was there." Olivia sighs then she suddenly gasped with realisation. "Do you know what this means?"

"It wasn't a food fight, he assaulted me with pepperoni. And what it means is that Ethan is exactly how he was before and you guys lied to me." I say innocently. They both glared at me, but Olivia moved on swiftly as she opened her mouth to continue.

"It means that -"

"Hey guys!" A girl with a huge smile on her face walked towards our table. She had long blonde hair, and her body basically screamed 'model'. I realised Chris was standing next to her with his arms around her waist. Her eyes hovered over to me, and her smile grew even bigger if that was possible.

"Ohmygosh, you're Sasha. I've heard so much about you. It's lovely to finally meet you." She reminded me of a little kid that had just learnt that they are going to the fair. "I'm Claire, and I'm captain of the Cheerleading Squad." She smiled brightly.

"Captain?" I blurt, clearly surprised. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just I've read enough books that tell me you're supposed to be mean to me – the new girl – but I'm loving this more," they all laughed, as they should have because I actually sounded pathetic, "it's nice to meet you too," I hold out my hand, returning the smile.

"I get that a lot. It's not the best stereotype but I like surprising people and I'm honestly not that bad if I do say so myself." She said proudly.

"Besides, that position is already taken by the wannabe captain." Abi hisses under her breath.

"So Olivia, don't forget there's practise today." Claire said, her tone a little more serious.

"It was one-time C! You don't have to remind me every time. Plus, your punishment was enough to make me never forget."

This caused Claire to smirk. "Good girl, catch you guys later." She walked away with a wave. She seemed really nice, unproblematic from the thirty seconds she was here. I was expecting her to be the bitchy type, the type you read in stories. Ok, so maybe I read a little too many stories. I turned to Olivia.

"So, you cheer, huh?"

"Why, yes, yes I do, my dear lady." She attempted to sound posh. She failed miserably.

"Why don't you cheer?" I asked Abigail.

"Chloe is on the team," she says bitterly, I mean, you could literally see the venom dripping off her teeth. "Didn't think I could ever hate something because of another human but here we are." She takes a sip of her soda, "but then again she's not human so I guess it makes sense." She mutters. I really do wonder what Chloe did to earn such hatred from a sweetheart like Abi, but I didn't want to ask. But I still want to know.

I caught sight of Ethan heading in the direction of the library. I really needed to talk to him and tell him I couldn't make it to work on the project today. I excused myself from my friends and hurried towards him.

"Ethan!" I called out. Either he couldn't hear me, or he was just ignoring me. I ran towards him, losing my breath in a matter of seconds. "Ethan!" I called out once again. He finally stops and I impossibly increase my speed to catch up to him before he could leave. I stopped right in front of him and held up a finger so he could wait while I catch my breath first, because knowing him, he could just walk off before I had the chance to speak. He was rude like that.

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