Chapter 3 - Her

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Okay I promise I'm gonna try and be consistent with this book now. I started writing this in 2014 this is truly unacceptable!😭

Chapter 3


"Hold on a second, can you repeat that again? You have once again lost me." This caused him to roll his eyes and I could tell he was irritated, but at this moment of time, I really didn't care. There was probably something wrong with my hearing and I needed to make sure it was fine.

"I repeated it to you twice, I think that's more than enough to make you understand. Meet me outside the library after school." He orders, and with that he strolled away, leaving me quite stunned. I never thought I would ever visit Ethan's house, or meet his parents. I pulled out my packet of Polo's from my pocket, one of my many favourite sweets, and popped one in my mouth, and made my way to geography, thinking about what is to happen later on today.

I plopped myself onto the chair with a sigh. "What is it that's got you sighing this lovely morning?" I heard Abigail ask beside me. This only made me and Olivia scoff.

"Lovely? Yeah right!" Olivia snorts and I couldn't agree more.

"I have to go to Ethan's house after school." I tell them. They both lifted their heads up and looked at me with wide, surprised eyes.

"You have to... what?" Abi whispers, "Where?"

"Ethan's house. For our history project." I add.

"Is Ethan aware that you're going to be going to his house?" Olivia asks me, slowly.

"It would be a bit weird if I went to his house without an invitation, don't you think?" I open the lid of my orange juice, flicking the lid if with my index finger allowing it to land God-knows-where, and gulped the whole 250ml in one go.

"Our Ethan?" Abi spoke quietly again. She seemed to do that a lot, whispering, which is why her outburst the other day was quite shock even for me.

"To his house?" Olivia pushed her hair behind her shoulders. "I haven't been to Ethan's house since the funeral two years ago." She mumbled the last part, to herself I assume. Funeral? She turned to me again, looking me straight in the eyes, "He proposed you go over?"

I nodded, which only caused her to mumble some more words that I couldn't decipher this time. She was deep in thought and so was Abi before she decided to snap out of it and give input of her own.

"Do you realise how the girls of Riverside would react if they found out that you got invited to Ethan's by Ethan? Boy, you are what they consider a 'lucky bitch'." She absentmindedly reaches for her sandwich and takes a large bite, slowly chews, clearly back in her daze.

"Ethan is popular with the girls here?" I ask, genuinely curious. With the glares and the stares I've been receiving, and people trying to dig into my family background – keyword, trying – it was almost creepy, and now that I think about it, it wasn't because I was new, but because since I step foot into this school, I was somewhat associated with Ethan. It was adding up.

"Yes! I can assure you, 99.2% of the female population wanted or still want Ethan as theirs. The remaining 0.8%? Gay, and me and Abi. Back when Ethan was much more... alive, he would occasionally interact with them, you know, make their hearts race a little, show them that he sees them you know, that he notices them, but never played them. One thing I loved about him, never took advantage of his looks and popularity." What happened to this guy that changed him so much?

Just then, the twin took a seat at the table with a heavy sigh. So it wasn't just me with the sighing, huh."You good?" I ask.

"I'm good. How's Riverside treating you?" he asks, reaching for his sister's bottle of water.

I'm Not Her... And I'll Never Be Him...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin