"Lanny I think he means that she is like him she doesn't share or show her emotions we will keep a close eye on her Jonas don't worry," Jaxon said and I nodded

"thank you," I said and they all nodded

"she is one hell of a girl," Luke said and I chuckled

"you didn't see anything yet believe me," I said and laughed

"hey what about King? you and him are-" Jaxon tried to say but I stopped him

"don't tell her about him yet she... let's say she was hurt a lot more than I was and I don't know how she will take it. I know the full story there but she doesn't, mom wouldn't let me tell her" I said sadly

"you need to tell her about this when you come back because from what I saw she is smart she will find out and it will be better if it's from you," Jaxon said and I nodded

"Yeah, I know. come on let's go back we have people to save tomorrow" I said and we all got up


Skyler's pov

I finished getting ready to sleep. I was wearing black sweat pants and a black long shirt

I just walked out of the bathroom and the guys walked in

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I just walked out of the bathroom and the guys walked in

"Jonas went to his room already but he said he will see you tomorrow morning," Jaxon said to me and I nodded

"so when exactly do we need to wake up?" I asked. I needed to know so I could set my alarm

"We need to be ready by seven but we all have to be up by five," Lanny said.

"is it hard to wake you like your brother?" Jaxon asked while laughing

"nope, the opposite actually, I'm waking up from the smallest noise, and I'm usually waking up by five so..." they looked at me like I'm crazy. again.

"I will believe it when I see it," Jaxon said and I shrugged

the guys started getting ready to sleep and I went to my bed trying to fall asleep


I opened my eyes to see it's still dark. I looked at the clock we have on the wall, ugh, three am. I'm not used to going to sleep early I'm used to sleeping four hours, healthy I know, so now I'm waking up before I need to.

I quietly got off from my bed to drink some water and go back to sleep but before I could do that I saw Luke's bed, which was below mine, empty. I walked outside to see is If can see him and I did. he was laying on a sofa outside our room just looking at the sky. I walked to him.

"Hey, why are you awake?" I asked him once I was close enough. luke quickly sat up and looked at me

"Stop doing that," he said annoyed I chuckled

"I didn't mean too," I said still laughing a little

"Sometimes I can't fall asleep so I'm just here thinking," he said while rubbing his eyes

"what about you?" he asked

"I'm just not used to go to sleep early so I woke up, come on let's go back," I said and he shook his head

"I won't fall asleep, it's no use," he said and I stared at him

"then we will talk until you do, if you won't come I will stay here and it's on you if I will be tired tomorrow," I said and he gave me a "seriously" look I just stood there and after two minutes he grunted but got up and walked to our room. Skyler one Luke zero

"Happy now?" he asked once we both were in our beds

"very" I whispered

"you don't need to be quiet they won't wake up, believe me, I know from experience," he said and I chuckled

"ok so I have a question, when Jaxon and I were on the plane he said you would flirt with me but you don't, actually, you are quiet most of the time why?" I asked and he chuckled

"Jaxon would have been right if you were a doctor or something but you are in my team here we are, brothers and now sister, and when I flirt with a girl it's so I could sleep with them and that's it, I don't want us to have that kind of relationship plus you are Jonas sister but don't get me wrong you are very sexy," he said and I laughed

"first of all thank you for not trying to flirt with me I would of hate that second you wouldn't succeed so it's good you didn't waste your time," I said smugly

"sure," he said sarcastically. I laughed but ignored

"you don't want a girlfriend?" I asked him and he was quiet for a few moments

"no," he said

"which means you have a story," I said to him

"now I have a question," he said trying to change the subject. that means I'm right

"so I'm right, okay you will tell me another time but don't think I will forget. what do you wanna ask?" I answered

"don't take this the wrong way but you don't really know me, why do you care if I'm sleeping or not?" he asked and I laughed

"Like you said we are brothers and sisters here, you are in my team of course I care but even if you weren't I would help, have sleeping problems and I know the feeling when you are alone, it gets lonely, so now you have me" I answered and Lule stayed quiet for a few minutes, I seriously thought he fell asleep

"thank you," he said quietly, I barely heard it but I'm glad I did. I smiled.

"Lanny doesn't know? Jaxon said Lanny and you know each other since you were little" I said

"he knows but he thinks I take pills for that, I hate the pills but if he knew I don't take them he will be awake with me and I don't want that" he answered

"so you are the annoying unselfish kind of person" I said

"I don't think I am but I think you are one of those," he said

"I don't consider myself like that no, but I do love helping others"

we continued talking a little more until Luke fell asleep, it was already four and I didn't feel tired so I decided to start getting ready I don't need to sleep a lot at night, four hours of sleep is enough for me and I got five hours so it's fine.

I went to the bathroom and started getting ready


Author note:

Just so you won't get confused Skyler's brother is Jonathan but her nickname to him is Nate and that's how she call him most of the time and his friends call him Jonas that's their nickname to him so when you see Jonathan Nate or Jonas know it's the same person, Skyler's brother 

also, I'm trying to post every week on Sunday but there will be times when I can't like last week, so I'm sorry for that

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