Part 3. Scared

Beginne am Anfang

Y/n: Here you go

He put Four plates down on the table and in the middle he put another plate with biscuits on them

Y/n: I hope you enjoy

I then took a took a piece of Bacon and bit it, making a crunch sound the bacon melted in my mouth

Blake: The Bacon is really good!

It seemed the Mom and Dad approved of everything else

Kali: This is really good Y/n

Y/n: Thanks, it's nothing too grand though

Ghira: Well it's good enough for me

Narrator's POV

They all then started talking about how everything was going on in their life

It turns out after Ghira's talk with Sienna they have to hold a meeting with all of the White fang and their future

Blake: I'm sure everything will turn out fine 

Ghira: I hope so

Kali: So what are your plans for today?

Blake: Well I'm going into town to get My Gambol Shroud Repaired

Ghira: It's broken?

Blake: Yeah after my last battle it was destroyed so for now I don't have a weapon at my Disposal

Kali: And what about you Y/n?

Y/n: I'm not really sure, I think I'll just take a walk around the island

Kali: That sound like a lovely idea

Everyone switched to a different topic but Blake knew something was wrong with Y/n, she didn't know what but she'll ask later

A few hours later

Blake had left to go into town to get her weapon fixed and when she left you left to go on a walk

On your walk you looked around and saw many beautiful sights but you didn't really react to it

You didn't know what was wrong with you but ever since defeating Salem, something has changed

You didn't know what it was but you felt it eating away at you

You kept walking until you found a pond

Y/n: What's wrong with me?

You looked into the pond looking at yourself until the image is suddenly replaced by UT Chara, you quickly summoned some Gaster Blasters and fired at the water making a huge splash, you started to breath Heavily

Y/n: No, No, NO

???: Sans are you ok?

You looked around to see who was calling you but there was no one there

???: I'm right here

This time you heard the Voice more clearly, you turn around and look at the pond again and see the image has changed again

Y/n: Frisk?

Frisk: Hey Sans

Y/n: How are you here? Have I really gone insane?

Frisk: You're not insane, it's because you have what's left of my soul

You looked at your soul and saw it merged with Frisk's Soul

Y/n: So are you alive?

Frisk: Not technically, I can't interact with anyone beside you, and even then all I can do is speak to you like this

Y/n: So you're limited?

They nod

Frisk: Chara has the other part of my soul, so I can't help you too much

Just hearing the name made you sweat

Frisk: Are you ok Sans?

Y/n: Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine

They knew you weren't alright

Frisk: Are you scared?

Y/n: .......Yeah

Frisk: Why?

You put your head down

Y/n: I just......have a horrible feeling that Chara will reset everything.....and I'll lose everything I gained here, it sounds selfish but.........I don't want to lose the family I have right now

Frisk: I see

Y/n: ..........

Frisk: It's ok to be selfish every once in a while

You look up and see Frisk staring at you

Frisk: You now have others to protect, and the same applies to them, whatever happens I'll try to help you to the very end

Y/n: .......Thanks, Frisk

Frisk: No problem

They smiled at you and you smiled back

Although you feel more relieved you still feel Scared at the thought of losing this new family

Y/n: I can't let that happen

You start to walk back to the Belladonna's House

And that's Part 3 done. You are now feeling Scared of what is to come, but what is coming? And can you stop it? There are still many questions that have yet to be solved but until the next part, See ya


The Trio Of Remnant Chapter 2: The Anomaly (Male Sans Reader x Blake Belladonna)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt