Part 15. Taking Initiative

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In Ink's Domain

Narrator's POV

Papyrus and Chara turn to look at you

Chara: This is up to you Y/n, Do you want to use the machine?

Papyrus: Or do you want to use the Core?

You start to think

Y/n: (What do I want to do?)

You thought about it for a good few seconds and you finally decided on what you want to do

Y/n: Alright, we'll go with the Core

Papyrus: Good Choice

Chara: Well there's nothing I can do about it now, so the core?

Y/n: Yes, it gives is more space to fight

Chara: I guess that is true

Y/n: So if we're going with the core we'll need to come up with a plan that can not fail

Papyrus: All we have to do is throw the brat into the core 

Ink: That sounds a lot worse without context

Weiss: Well where even is the core anyways?

Y/n: We have to go back To my AU

Papyrus: Are yo sure you want to do it in your AU?

You nod 

Ruby: So we just throw Player into the Core and call it a day?

Y/n: Easier said than done, Player won't just let themselves be thrown into the Core, they're going to put up a fight

Blake: And you said we will probably not be able to fight them head on?

You nod

Yang: This seems really impossible

Chara: It seems Impossible, but it isn't

Ruby: How are we going to do it then?

Chara: Well I think we all have the same Idea

He said as he turned to Y/n and Papyrus and they nodded

Papyrus: Yeah I'm pretty sure we do

Blake: Can we know this idea?

Y/n: Heh, we'll split Player up

RWBY: WHAT?!?!?!

Meliodas: Split them up? How will you do that?

Papyrus: When we were with Player we noticed that they had three different souls in one body

Ink: Strange, I felt that but I didn't think it was possible

Y/n: Our theory is that they are able to share the same body because they have the same amount of determination, but there is three souls

Meliodas: So you're going to split them up by splitting their soul?

Y/n: Correct, as a whole they are an ordeal and will be close to impossible to beat, but if we split them up we just might have a chance, after that we'll split up into different sections to beat the Anomalies

Ink: But we're not in even pairs, one of you will have to fight one of the human by theirselves

Papyrus: I'll do it

Y/n: Are you sure Papyrus?

Papyrus: Yeah, besides I think it's time I try and avenge my brother 

Ink: Ok then it's settled, Meliodas and Y/n will go against one of the Humans, Chara and I will take on one of the other Humans, and Papyrus will take one on by himself

Blake: What can we do to help?

Y/n: Blake it's too dangerous-

Blake: NO, we're going to help because we want to, so what can we do?

Y/n: ..........Fine, if you guys are up for it I do have something for you all to do

Weiss: What is it?

Y/n: I need you all to Overload the Core

Chara and Papyrus: WHAT?!?!?!

Papyrus: Y/n are you crazy, if they overload the Core it will explode and the whole underground will be destroyed

Y/n: I know, that's why We need to finish our fights and get out of there as soon as possible

Chara: Don't you get it Y/n? All of your past will be destroyed

Y/n: This is to make sure Player doesn't get out, so will you be able to do it RWBY?

Although hesitant they agreed to it

Y/n: Alright once you've overloaded the core, get the hell out of there

RWBY nodded

Chara: Are you sure about this Y/n?

Deep down you were hurting from this decision but you knew it had to be done

Y/n: Yeah, It's time we take initiative

And here is part 15 done. This Part was relatively short but that's because the next few parts will be longer so don't worry, anyways I hope you enjoyed, and until next time, see ya


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