how you meet | b.w | c.w | d.s | t.s

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ive seen some imagines written like this and i want some input on what style you like better. the longer individual imagines or the shorter group ones like this?


You first met bryan while you was at a party with your best friend. You were introduced to eachother by a mutual friend and he instantly began flirting with you, without knowing you had a boyfriend. Much to bryans surprise, he found out you had a boyfriend through someone throwing a punch his way, which then caused a fight between bryan and your boyfriend, essentially over you. The night ended with you cleaning up bryans split lip in the bathroom and your now ex boyfriend leaving with a soon to be black eye.


You had been playing soccer pretty much your whole life, and met some of your closest friends through the sport. You were at a game watching your brother play, but you couldnt help but stare at a certain player on the same team. After the game, your brother comes up with this boy, and introduces him to you as his friend and team mate Chris Williams. You two instantly hit it off, and at the next game you end up wearing his number instead of your brothers.


you met dom through a very close mutual friend named bryan williams. bryan had know dom for years and he constanly told you that you would be an ideal match for his close friend. after numerous attempts from bryan to get you guys to meet, you finally agreed, and assumed that dom had too. bryan must have given him your number because after you had met dom, you received a text from an unknown number saying that they was him and that he enjoyed meeting you after hearing bryan talk aboit you for so long. after some long text conversations, you guys finally planned to hang out, without the push from bryan, and you instantly hit it off.


you were introduced to tyler via a mutual friend at an event for creators called playlist. after filming some tik toks together for both of your steadily growing accounts, you exchanged details and parted, with plans to meet up the next day. after numerous texts and face times, you guys continued to hang out very often and grew so close to each other very quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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