jealous | chris

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*i really dont know how to explain this one so read it to find out*

Y/n's POV

It was a Monday morning and the sun that came streaming through the window is what woke me up this morning. I turned my head over to see my still sleeping boyfriend Chris, his arm gently tossed over his stomach, soft snores escaping his parted lips as the sun hit his face. I grabbed my phone from the bed side table (or nightstand whatever you want to call it) to check the time, and it was 8:35am. Normally either Zach or one of the boys would have come and woken us up by now but i guessed everyone was still tired from a full week of tik tok lives. I placed my phone back down and rolled over to face Chris. He stirred a little but settled down once i laid my head on his chest and put my own arm around his bare torso. Waking up with chris like this was one of my favourite things because I got to admire him and how amazing he was. It pained me that sometimes he didnt know how beautiful (or handsome) he was, especially when he was always there to make me feel pretty when i was feeling insecure about my own body.

I must have been lost in thought for a few minutes because i felt chris' arm tighten around my waist and a kiss being pressed to my forehead. I cuddled further into his side to indicate that i was awake and he just reciprocated my actions by tightening his arm around me. "Good morning beautiful" he said with his raspy morning voice that i loved so much. But before i could respond, the door was banged on and in came Tyler and Bryan. "Morning love birds, Zach says we gotta get you up" Tyler started to say as he jumped onto the bed and wrapped his arms around chris to mimic my actions. "But first i need a cuddle with my man" he continued. I looked down at the bottom of the bed and saw Bryan just standing there looking very confused. "Thats okay. I was gonna go cuddle with my favourite Williams brother anyway" i said as i sat up, shuffled over to where Bryan was and attempted to wrap my arms around his stomach. He however had different intentions. He grabbed me by the waist, pulled me up out of the bed and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist so I wouldn't fall. This encouraged chris to go along with tyler and wrap his arms around tyler, and pull him into his chest.

I knew that chris wouldn't like what Bryan and i were doing because he got jealous very quickly when other guys showed me attention, thinking that he was less than them and that i deserved better. I knew that i would probably have to reassure him later that he was the only one for me and that he was all i have ever wanted and needed.

Bryan had decided to carry me out to the kitchen, where everyone else was having breakfast, and place me down on the counter top as he began to make his own breakfast. "You know chris isn't going to like what we just did right?" Bryan asked me as he began to pour some cereal into a bowl. "Yeah. I'm surprised he didnt come after us at all" I responded. Bryan continued to make his breakfast as i got off the counter to start making mine. "Glad to know that I'm your favourite Williams brother through" Bryan smirked as he pulled me into a hug. We stayed like this for a bit until we heard footsteps coming up stairs and he let me go with a kiss on the head.

Tyler appeared at the top of the stairs, surprisingly without chris. "Y/n, you've got to go fix the problem that we caused downstairs" he started, "chris is sad now and he doesn't want to get up". I immediately knew that chris was upset about what had just happened, like i expected, but i didnt know that he was that upset that he wouldn't even come upstairs. He was normally fine after things like this, especially with the dream la boys because he knew that i loved all of them like family.

I just sighed and walked back down stairs and into chris' room. He was facing away from the door and wrapped in all the blankets. "Baby". No response. "Come on baby, you know that you're the only one for me". Still no response. I sat infront of him on the bed and slowly pulled the blankets away from his face. "Chris, please. I'm sorry" i pleaded. I guess he sensed the worry and sincerity within my voice because he grabbed my hand that was still resting amongst the blankets, pulled me into his chest and wrapped us in the blankets again. "Im that one that should be sorry y/n" he mumbled. "I shouldn't get like this when you hang around other guys, especially my own brother". "It's okay chris, we all get like this when we see someone we care about being close with someone else" i responded, hopeful to make him feel better. "I know y/n. And I'm trying my hardest to remember that none of the guys will try anything on you but its hurts to see you being that close to someone, especially my brother" he replied. I knew about his past and how things always weren't easy between him and Bryan and their outside relationships, which is why he was acting like this now. "Chris, you know i would never even try anything will the boys in here, especially your brother" i started, "plus Bryan's too old for me anyways" i added, me being a year younger than chris already, making Bryan 3 years older than me. Chris stayed silent, so I guessed that he was still a bit upset about the whole situation. So i just gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the room, knowing that he would want to be alone right now.

A bit later on in the day, chris was filming tik toks in the living room with Tristan. He still wasn't acting like his normal self and i was worried. He normally would never act like this and i was starting to get really worried. Tristan realised what was about to happen when i walked into the room and left, giving me a look whilst doing so. I walked over and sat next to chris who had placed himself down onto the couch. "Baby please, all i want is for you to be happy and smiling again. I miss how you would make me laugh, i miss how you would ask me to help teach you dances for your videos, i miss how you and the boys would joke around with each other. I really miss you chris and i dont know what else i can do to make this better". I didnt realise that i was crying till those last words came out of my mouth and i felt my tears being wiped away. The same hand tilted my head up and i was face to face with chris, who was also tearing up. "I'm so sorry y/n. I haven't been feeling too good these past couple of days and i guess this morning was just the tipping point for me" he started. "Why didnt you say anything about feeling this way?" i questioned him. Thats when the tears started rolling down his face. Chris had cried in front of me before a few times but this was different. He seemed broken and i didnt know what to do. So I just held him and whispered encouraging things in his ear. We must have stayed like this for a while because i noticed that chris' breathing had evened out and i could hear his soft snores again. I began to run my fingers through his hair which caused him to stir in my arms. "I love you so much y/n" he mumbled so softly that i almost missed it. "I love you so much more baby" i said as he readjusted his head on my chest.

Authors note

Why did this take me so long to write?! (By long i mean a few hours and i honestly dont know how and why it took that long)

I honestly didnt know where to go with this one. I definitely wanted to write a chris imagine cause he is honestly the cutest person ever. I originally as going to write a lazy day imagine (foreshadowing) but it turned into this, and im not too sure if i like it or not. I dont like how i ended it though but i got stuck on that.

Also the amount of reads that this book has is insane for how little time it has been up. I really do appreciate all the love it has received and remember to vote for your favourites so i know what types of imagines to write next.

Also feel free to comment or message me with any ideas or requests for these imagines, I'm pretty much open to anything. I see that you guys really like the Bryan and Tristan imagines that i have up already so i may write some more on those boys but i want to give chris and tyler some love first. I am aiming to keep it pretty even with how many imagines i have on each boy, but that may change depending on my ideas and what I'm feeling like writing that day. Also do you guys like the daily-ish updates? I'm trying my hardest to publish 1 imagine a day but i may do it every 2 days now just so i dont run out of ideas too quickly. I can also re write imagines, just on different boys if you guys really want me to.

Chris' info

Tik tok: itschriswilliams

Snapchat: itschrisw113

Instagram: itschriswilliamss

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