best friend's brother | chris and bryan

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*when y/n starts dating her best friend chris' older brother bryan, their relationship takes a turn*

y/n's pov

i have known chris williams for years now. he has been my best friend since fourth grade and now here we are, many years later, and still the best of friends you could imagine. we do almost everything together and i pretty much spend majority of time over at his house, which is why his parents basically act like im one of their own children. all those sleepovers, late nights, cuddle sessions and facetimes that would last for hours changed however when i started dating chris' older brother bryan.

i have known bryan for as long as ive known chris, yet we didnt really have many interactions other than passing eachother in the williams' household occasionally. i realised that i had a huge crush on bryan about a year ago. i noticed that he was around me more and that i saw more of him, whether it was at his house when i was hanging out with chris, or at school. i also noticed that bryan was going out of his way to talk to me or be around me. whenever i was at chris' house, bryan would make small talk with me while chris was in the bathroom or just whenever chris wasnt around. he also started doing things like hold the front door open for me or offer me things like food.

i couldnt tell chris about my crush on his brother because i was scared that it was going to ruin our friendship and that he may think that im only still hanging around him for his brother, which wasnt true at all. i loved chris with all my heart. he has been the only person there for me pretty much my entire life and vice versa. so if he found out that i liked bryan like that, he would be crushed.

it wasnt till few weeks later, when chris and i were sitting outside in his backyard, that he mentioned anything about that subject. "hey y/n" he started, "whats your opinion on bryan? like how do you feel about him?" he questioned. i started panicking. did he know about my liking towards his brother? did he say anything to bryan? i decided to play it cool and replied with "i mean im fine with him as a person if thats the kind of answer youre looking for". "what would you do if your sister liked me?" he once again questioned. "you mean like having a crush on you?" i replied. "well id be a bit worried about our relationship. like what would happen if you started dating? would i get left behind? would i become a third wheel?".

chris began to shift in his seat. "its just that im worried and questioning things like that currently" he said, later adding on, "i have a feeling that bryan suddenly being so much nicer to you and actually paying attention to you means something". i was shocked. "you mean you think bryan has a crush on me?" i questioned him. "yeah. well atleast i think so".

about a month forward from that conversation, bryan actually confirmed chris' theory and asked me out on a date. i obviously said yes but i was a bit concerned about chris. i was worried that he would feel used or left out due to this, but he seemed super excited for both bryan and i when i told him. from being his best friend for so long, i could tell that he was a little hurt from this and that he would probably be having a conversation with bryan about that once i had left.

our date ended up going really well and bryan confessed that he did in fact have a crush on me, which then caused me to express my feelings too. a few more dates later and bryan officially asked me to be his girlfriend. i of course said yes, but i first wanted to check with chris if it was okay, and he said that it was. as the weeks went on, i noticed that chris had become more distant from me. we hardly ever had late night face time calls, whenever i stayed over it was in bryan's room and our cuddle sessions ended immediately. i really missed my best friend and i started to question whether having bryan as a boyfriend was worth losing my friendship with chris.

one day when i was over at the williams' house, bryan had gone to the bathroom to shower, so i decided to go and visit chris. i knocked on his door and was greeted by a tired looking chris. "uh hi. can we talk?" i asked softly. he didnt say anything and just fully opened his door and motioned for me to come sit on his bed next to him. we sat in silence for about a minute before i found the courage to address the situation. "i miss us chris" i began. "i miss our movie nights. i miss our facetimes. i miss our cuddle sessions. i just miss hanging out with you and us being there for eachother no matter what". he just looked at the bed and sighed. "look y/n, i really miss our time spent together too, but your dating my brother now and i dont think he will appreciate me being like that with his girlfriend" he stated. thats when i broke. the only boy that i had ever trusted fully with everything was no longer there. "but what about our time together? who am i meant to go to now when i want to rant about my parents, or cuddle with when im sad?". i didnt even notice i was crying till a sob escaped my lips. a defeated and sympathetic chris pulled me into a big hug and waited until i has calmed down. little to my knowledge, bryan had walked past and saw chris embracing me.

after i had calmed down, i pulled away from chris, and noticed that his cheeks were tear stained. "i miss you so much y/n" he said. "i dont know what to do without you. you've been my number one since the start and i could never find anyone better than you as my best friend. i dont care what bryan says about us but i want back what we had. i want our facetimes. i want our cuddle sessions. i want our movie nights". i couldnt help but tear up at his statement. "theres nothing else id rather have".

"thats where you two are" i heard bryan exclaim which made me turn around and slightly move away from chris. "i was waiting for you two to make up and become best friends again honestly" he continued. "wait, so you're okay with me and y/n going back to how we were before?" chris asked his older brother. "of course i am. i want to see both of you happy, and thats when you two are together" bryan replied. i just sat there. i didnt know what to say. so i just got up and hugged bryan as tight as i could. "you have no idea how much this means to me" i whispered in his ear, hoping that chris wouldnt hear me. "i want you to be happy y/n, and youre the happiest when you're with him" he replied.

after the situation upstairs, i found myself on the couch in the living room, with the two williams brothers, me laying on bryan's chest and chris having his head resting on my thigh. i had never been more content with my life until now and i was glad to be with my boys once again.

authors note
i dont know if i like the ending but i dont know where else to go. and chris being banned from going live for 3 days?! he looked so heartbroken over it and it made me so sad. also we hit 100 reads which is so crazy to me. thank you guys so much and please dont forget go vote on the imagines that you like the best so i know which content to write more on. also please comment/message me with suggestions, requests or ideas for these imagines. i really do appreciate it.

Bryan's info

Tik tok: Bryan.williams & thisisnotbryan

Snapchat: bryanwilliams7

Instagram: bryanwilliams24

Twitter: _bryanwilliams

Chris' info

Tik tok: itschriswilliams

Snapchat: itschrisw113

Instagram: itschriswilliamss

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