surprise gone wrong | tristan (part 1)

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*y/n helps Bryan plan a surprise for her boyfriend tristan, yet tristan believes that something else is going on between them*

Y/n's pov

It had been a dull and slow moving day here at the dream la house and i was relaxing and watching a movie with my boyfriend tristan in his bedroom. Once the movie had ended, i noticed that tristan had fallen asleep, so i decided to leave him be and go upstairs. I found bryan and Zach sitting at the island bench in the kitchen, with a laptop and a bunch of paper spread out in front of them. "Ah y/n, just the person i wanted to see" Zach spoke as i approached them and sat down at one of the chairs. "What can i do for you Zach?" I asked, thinking about why he would need to see me. "We've noticed that tristan hasn't been himself really the past few days and i got chris to speak to him about it. He really misses home and i was thinking of surprising him with a trip home" he replied. "Thats great" i exclaimed, "he'll love that so much". "Okay, well can i leave this to you and Bryan to finish, i have a meeting to get to" Zach asked, and i said he'd of course.

"So," bryan started, "got many ideas on how we can surprise him?". "How about at the end of a live this week?" I suggested, and bryan seemed to like the idea. We had just bought a plane ticket when a sleepy looking tristan wondered up the stairs and over to the kitchen. Bryan quickly shut the laptop and gathered all the paper. "Hey baby" i walked over to tristan and he pulled me into a hug. "Anyways, thanks y/n for the help" bryan spoke as he walked downstairs, carrying the laptop and paperwork. "What did you help bryan with?" Tristan questioned as he walked over to the fridge and began to look for some food. "Nothing really" i started, "just some work that Zach asked me to help with". He seemed to question what i said, but brushed it off as he found some food and went to sit down at the breakfast bar.

A few days later I was sitting in the living room with tyler and bryan. "Y/n, can i talk to you for a minute?" Tristan asked, looking worried. "Sure" i replied as i got up and followed him out to the patio. "Look y/n, i love you, i really do, but i just dont know if this relationship is working anymore" he spoke softly. "Wait T" i began, "what do you mean not working?". He shifted on his feet, "you and bryan have been spending so much time alone and whenever i come around you two, its weird and i dont know why". "Tristan, its nothing like that. I love you so much and theres nothing i would do to hurt you like that" i spoke as the tears began to form in my eyes. I knew where this was going and I really hope I didn't end like i thought it would. "Look y/n, i know you wouldn't intentionally do anything but sometimes you just cant help your feelings. Ive been hurt badly before and i really dont want to go through it again. I just cant do this anymore, I'm so sorry" and with that he walked back inside and left me outside alone. Thats when the tears started streaming down my face and I couldn't handle it anymore. I slid my back down the wall so that i was sitting on the floor, buried my face into my knees and broke down. I thought what we had was going strong, but this surprise that was for tristan had been the thing that broke us apart. He didnt even give me time to explain myself and there was no way he would listen to me now.

I heard someone yelling my name from inside the house but i didnt respond. Then the patio door opened and a worried looking chris came outside. "Y/n, we've been looking for you for ages" he said, but quickly realised the state i was in. He sat down beside me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. After a few minutes, he finally asked me what was wrong and why i was upset. "It's tristan, he broke up with me" i managed to get out in between sobs. "He did what?" Let me go have a word with him" chris said as he tried to get up. "Please dont, not now anyways. He thinks that theres something going on between me and bryan when all we were doing was planning his trip home". Chris relaxed back down and continued to hug me, as he pulled out his phone and messaged tyler to let him know that i had been found and to tell the boys minus tristan. He also mentioned not to come outside on the patio and that he would explain everything later. Tyler simply messaged back with a simple okay and that he was glad i was safe.

After what felt like forever, i spoke up. "I'm really sorry but i need to leave and clear my head. Everything here is going to remind me of him and i cant stand it anymore" i cried as Chris held me. "It's alright, i get it. Go home and come back when you're ready. You know you're always welcome here, even if tristan is still here. I'm sure Mel wouldn't mind if you shared her room, or you could even come share with me if you wanted" he spoke, making me smile at how caring he was. Me and chris had grown so close within the past few months and i would even consider him like an older brother. I consider all the boys to be like my family, with the exception of tristan of course. And with that i bought myself a plane ticket to Arkansas the next morning and began packing while the boys went live, to avoid tristan in his room where my belongings were.

To be continued...

Authors note

This was a request (from @kyleighaxon ) and i hope that you guys enjoy this imagine. I felt it was time to do a tristan imagine, and this request was a great idea. Also this is a really long imagine so... here's part one.

As always make sure you vote and comment on your favourite imagines and feel free to message me or comment ideas. I may take a little bit of time to write them but I'm trying to get through as many as i can quickly so that everyone's request gets published. 

Tristan's info

Tik tok: tristanbvibin & tristanbvibin2

Snapchat: tristan.vibes

Instagram: tristanbvibin

Twitter: tristanbvibin 

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