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The clanking of keys against the key hole of the cell door was what woke Adrian up again. He braced himself for impact but nothing came. He curiously opened his eyes and scanned the cell to see that it was empty and that the cell door was left wide open. 

Adrian sat there in shock trying to comprehend the situation, someone was trying to help him escape? Could he finally leave? 

He shakily stood up, his knees shaking from the lack of use. His hands were still tied up but that wouldn't matter, he could always get rid of them when he got out of here. He half expected to be thrown right back inside as soon as he tried to step out, he thought it probably was another one of his captor's cruel jokes. They probably intended to give him hope and snatch it right back away but to his surprise no one was there to stop him.


Freedom was the first thought that went through his head as he stepped out of his cell,

 For the first time in four years, Adrian Miles smiled. 

His vision was still blurry and his senses were hazed from all the drugged food that was given to him. He ignored all the pain in him as he took his first step outside his cell. His heart pounded with joy while his brain yelled in fear. He wasn't sure which way to go as he gazed upon the empty hallway, he wasn't even awake the time he was dragged to his cell. Adrian didn't care at the moment, all that mattered was to find the exit even if it cost him his life, it wasn't like he had anything to lose. 

Adrian ran to the right following the dim lights that lit up the dark hallways, he was surprised to see the place so barely guarded. It didn't make sense, something was definitely up. Adrian found a door and he pressed his ear against it to listen for any signs of life and when he was sure that the room would be empty he carefully opened it and creeped inside. Inside he saw a guard lying on the floor asleep and that ensured his easy escape. He ran and ran and finally reached the last door. 

This was it, the pathway to his freedom.

The door opened with a small creak and Adrian stepped outside, he took in his first fresh breath in four years. Tears of joy ran down his ragged face as he finally experienced what he dreamt for so long. His muscles ached from the sudden usage but he didn't care, all that mattered was that he was free.

His long shaggy black hair ran around freely in the air, Adrian observed his surroundings, he looked at the sky. It was the sunset and it was the most beautiful thing Adrian had ever seen. He observed the way the sky changed from the light blue that matched his mother's eyes to the orange that his sister always admired. Oh lords, his mother and his sister were his only known family, he wondered how they were doing. All he wanted was to embrace them and sleep safety in his mother's arms like he once used to when he had a bad day. 

He would see them all soon because Adrian Miles was now a free man.


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