getting back in contact with mom

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Your POV:

I have been walking for awhile so I started to head back and then I thought I would try calling my mom again to see if they was in a better mood so that's what I did. "Hey, how is it going anything any better??" I said as she answered the phone. "Eh it could be better." I heard her sob. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked her concerned."Me and your father decided to take a break and he just left all pissed off for no reason but I let him go because I was not about to listen to it." She explained to me while she was crying really hard. I started to tear up because my family was always strong threw anything and I don't want to lose either of my parents. "Oh I'm sorry mom but I'm heading over there when I get home. Don't cry it's ok I'll fix this. I love you and see you soon." I told her and rushed home. I got back and took a quick shower. Gaege was sleeping and I didn't want to bother him so I let him sleep. When I got out of the shower I put his hoodie back on and a pair of jeans. I wrote a letter and put it on the kitchen table. Before I left I got a blanket for Gaege and covered him up and just looked at him with a smile and thought 'I am so thankful for getting back in touch with him and for him letting me stay here.' I kissed him on the cheek and grabbed my keys a left. It took me about 25 minutes to get to my mom's house, when I got there the door was unlocked and so I walked in. The house was a huge ass mess and I got worried "Mom!" I yelled to let her know I was here. She come out of here room in her robe not looking like herself at all and just gave me the biggest hug. Like I said the house was a mess and it smelled but I was not worried about that at the moment. After mom and I got done hugging we sat on the couch and she told me everything that happened and that she was sorry for yelling at me about dad. When she was done telling me everything I told her I am going to help her get cleaned up and fix up the house. I told mom to take a shower and get all cleaned up as I cleaned up the kitchen and the living room and we will talk when she gets out

Gaege's POV:

I was asleep for about maybe 2 or 3 hours. When I woke up I used the bathroom and went to get some water in the kitchen. When I sat my cup on the table I saw a note from y/n it said 'Hey! I went to my mom's for a little because I called her and she was all upset because if my dad being an ass. Give me a text or call when you wake up if you want XOXO' I left y/n and her mom alone for a while and went to joined the boys in some vr. We played for about an hour and then I was getting a call from y/n. "Hey what's up? Is everything ok with your mom?" I asked her "Yes everything is fine right now. The house was a huge ass mess and I got most of it clean but I need to ask you a question." She told me "Yea anything. What's up?" I asked concerned "I don't want mom to feel lonely so can she come home with me and stay the night?" She asked "Yea she can stay." I said because I loved her mom and didn't want her to feel lonely either. "Ok great I'll be back home in like 25 to 30 minutes." She said as she hung up the phone.

Your POV:

After mom got out of the shower we talked for a little longer and she was just balling her eyes out. I called Gaege and asked him if mom can stay and he told me yes but I let her go to sleep because she needed it. She cried herself to sleep and while she was sleeping I was cleaning a bit more. I heard a car door slam and it made me jump a little. I looked out the window and then seen my dad walking up to the door. He started to bang on the door making mom jump but I opened it before he woke her up. I told him to back up so he would wake her up. "Hey dad." I tried to say in a calm voice "Where is your mother!" He said mad. "Dad If you are here just to start shit then you can go back to Uncle Tom's. You are not about to do mom like this no more and when you want to be calm about things then you call me. I love you dad but you can't ruin the family like this. I'm asking you to leave." He didn't listen and pushed me out of the way and tried to start stuff with mom. I call gaege and told him he needs to come here now.

Gaege's POV:

I was in the middle of a shower and then I was getting called by y/n. She told me I needed to get to her parents house right now because her dad was going crazy and he needs my help. I jumped out of the shower got dressed and left. I got there in about 20 minutes and I ran inside. I seen y/n trying to pull her dad off of her mom. I started to help and I pushed her dad back to make him stumble and to get y/n and her mom out of there "Go take your mom to the house hurry go! I'll take care of your dad!" I yelled. Y/n and her mom left and I was still with her dad. "Listen Greg, I don't want to get the cops in this. You need to calm down and get this family back together. Y/n and Lisa need you. You go back to where you was to calm down and then come talk to them." I told him as he was leave and when he left so did I.

Your POV:

Mom and I just got back to the house. She was freaking out but I calmed her and was able to get her back to sleep. As she was sleeping I started to cry a little and then I heard the front door. I left my room where mom was and went to the living room and saw Gaege. When he walked in the door I gave him the biggest hug and didn't let go.  "Where is your mom?" He asked. "She is in my room." I told him "Where are you going to sleep then?" He asked confused. "I was just going to sleep on the couch." I said while looking at the couch. "No no, you had a hard day you can sleep in my bad I'll sleep on the couch." He replied while yawning. "Or you can sleep in the bed with me." I said while hold on tight to him. Gaege and I went to his room and cuddled and went to sleep.

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