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Your POV:
After Gaege scared me we started packing again. "So why do the boys wanna move in the same house?" I asked because I thought it was weird. "Uhhh to be honest I really don't know. I never thought about it." He replied as he was taking things off our night stand. It was getting late so I asked Gaege if he wanted to go to bed. "Hey bubs, it's 2:42 do you wanna go to bed. I'm getting tired." He turned around to look at the clock "Oh shit. I guess it is getting late.. yea we can lay down. Do you want a pair of my sweats or shorts to change into so you don't have to sleep in your jeans?" He then asked me. I nodded my head and he gave me some sweats. I changed right there because I didn't want to walk out because I was to tired. When I got the sweats on he was looking at me.. "What?" I asked as I giggled. "Oh nothing.." he said with a smile. I turned around to grab something and I felt him grab my waist. I stood back up and turned back around towards Gaege.  He wrapped his arms around me and started kissing me. I pulled away and looked at me with a smile. "What is this for?" I questioned him. "You're so beautiful what is it not for. Who wouldn't want to randomly kiss you." He replied as he started kissing my neck. "Oh yeah?" I asked with a laugh. "Mhmm" he mumble as he picked me up and tossing me on the bed. "Now let's go to bed so we can get the hell out of this house" he said as he climbed in bed. He turned off the lights and we went to sleep.
*Time skip*

I woke up to someone calling me... It was 7:30, 'who the fuck is calling me this early' u thought to myself. I flip my phone over and I see it's Josh.. 'oh jesus.' I got out of bed and went outside so I wouldn't wake up Gaege. As I stepped outside I answered the phone. "Can I help you? You just woke me up" I told him. "Hello y/n! Do you miss me?" He asked. "What kind of question is that? Fuck no I don't miss you. Now what the hell do you want?" I told him. "ohh I'm just in Florida. They have some nice houses maybe I'll just move here. What do you think? Also I need your address so I can beat Gaege's ass." He finished. I hung up the phone and turned it off. I walked back inside and woke up Gaege. "Gaege get up. Josh just called me and said he was in Florida." I said as I was shaking him. "What?! What the hell time is it." "7:45" I told him. "Just go lock the doors and windows and come back to bed please baby. Don't worry I will beat his ass if he gets in. He don't even know where we live and we are moving soon" he said. I nodded and did what he told me to do. I got in bed and cuddled close to him and fell back asleep. About and hour or two later I woke up to a feeling of someone watching me... I open my eye to see someone standing there. When I saw them I screamed and punched them in the gut. "What the fuckkk" Gaege groaned as he bent over in pain. "Gaege what the hell!! You scared me. I'm so sorry!!" I said as I jumped out of bed and hugged him. "Well remind me not to do that ever again" he said as he smiled. "Yeah I guess. I thought it was Josh. I got worried. I'm sorry" I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Well it's 10:37 and I was coming in here to wake you up for breakfast. Have you got any calls or anything from him?" "No. I turned off my phone when he called this morning." I told him. We walked out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. I turned on my phone and saw he text me.

8:09 AM

Answer me right now!
What Is your address!
Answer my calls bitch!!
This is not funny y/n! Answer me
I'm going to kill you
You know what? I dont need your help. I will find you and your stupid boyfriend's house in no time. See you soon y/n
*End of text*

"Uhh yeah he text me..." I told Gaege as I handed my phone to him

Gaege's POV:
Y/n handed me her phone to read the text. After I read them my blood started to boil. "Look y/n he is not going to hurt you. I will fucking kill him if he even tries to lay a finger on you." I kinda yelled. She walked over to me and buried her face into my chest and started to cry. "I am so sorry Gaege. This is my fault. If I would have blocked him or something a long time ago this wouldn't be happening" she sobbed. "It's ok y/n. Nothing is going to happen. I promise.  Dont cry.. Let's just finish packing and get outta here." I told her as I gave her a kiss on her cheek. She looked up at me and nodded. After we ate we started packing up the stuff in the living room. After a little bit the boys started calling. "Yo what's up?" I said as I answered. " it was Eddie of course.  "Ayeee. Me and gabby are ready to head that way. We are bout to get in the plane  what's the address to the new house?" He asked. The rest of the boys joined and asked the same thing. I gave them the address then y/n started yelling for me. "Gaege!! Josh is calling me again what do I do" she yelled. I could hear in her voice that she was about to cry. Before I could give the address to the boys I told them I had to go and then hung up. "Answer it and put it in speaker." I told her.

Your POV:
I answered the phone  "W-what do you want." I asked trying not to cry. "I'm outside baby. Come see me." He told me. My heart dropped and I looked up at Gaege. He looked back down at me. "Ok" Gaege said.. "what are you doing Gaege?!" I asked him. I started to get scared. "I'm going outside. He said to come out so I am.." he replied.  He took my phone and hung up on Josh. "And you're coming with me." He continued. I looked up confused "I'm not going out there to see him. I haven't seen him for a long time and I dont want to see him. What if he tried to take me or something Gaege. We cant go out there!." I said. My eyes started to tear up. Gaege grabbed my hand softly and we started to walk near the door. He opened the door slowly and there Stood Josh. "Y/n! Good to see you again. I've missed you." He said as we stood in the door way. "How did you find the house.. and what the fuck do you want." I said as I started to get mad. Josh looked at me confused.  "Yall told me to come over. So I did. What do you guys not want me here?" He said. Gaege tightened his other fist like he was about to hit Josh. "What's your deal? You lookin a little mad." Josh said to Gaege to piss him off more. "Look man. Y/n don't want anything to do with you. You are just wasting your time here. I was gonna beat the shit outta you but me just standing here looking at you is wasting all of out time. How about you go back to Ohio and move on with your life." Gaege said as he let out a little chuckle. I grabbed ahold on Gaeges arm as we stood there. Josh got pissed and just went in his car and left. "Oh? I didnt think he would leave like that..." I said while watching him drive away Gaege didnt say anything and we just went back inside...

Hey guys!! I'm sorry that its took a while. I started this chapter after I did the last one but I jus never finished it. I hope yall enjoy it. Thank you guys so much for the reads and votes. I appreciate it so so much. Much love to all <33

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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