A normal morning?

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Gaege POV:

It was about a day or two after the boys left and it was night so y/n and I was getting ready for bed. Y/n fell right to sleep but I had a hard time. Y/n phone kept going off and it started to go off around 1 AM but I really didn't worry it. After about half and hour it finally stopped and then I fell asleep.
                    *Time skip*
I woke up around 8 and saw that y/n was still sleeping. I was so thankful that I have her. After I thought for a couple mins I  went downstairs and made some coffee. About an hour later y/n woke up and hugged me from behind and said "Good morning baby. How'd you sleep?" With a yawn. I turned around and kissed her forehead. "Eh. Could have slept better. What do you want for breakfast?"  I said while hugging her back. "Uhh, can you make biscuits and gravy?" She said with another yawn. "Of course baby." "Thank you!! Imma go get some clothes ready for a shower after we eat. I'll be right back." She said while giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled a d started to make breakfast. When she got back she sat her clothes in the living room and sat her phone in the kitchen table. I got done making breakfast and we sat at the table and ate breakfasts, talking about what we was going to do today and laughing. After she got done she said she was going to get in the shower. I gave her a kiss and she grabbed her clothes and went to the shower. I went in the living room and turned in netflix. About 10 minutes later of watching TV, y/n phone started blowing up again. 'What the hell? Who is texting who almost all night and this early in the morning!?' I thought to my self. I went to get her phone to see who it was. Maybe it was important. An unknown number? What the hell. I unlock her phone and seen the text

                        1:02 AM
Come on answer me ik it's your number.
Come back to Ohio plz
I miss you
And I love you
Baby plzzzz
                    New messages
                        10:17 am
Baby? Are you awake
Good morning
How are you?
I miss you. Come back plz
I love you
                   ~End of text~

WHAT THE FUCK?!? Is y/n cheating on me?? Why would she do this?! I love her. I can't believe she would do this to me. I waited for her to get out of the shower to confront her about it. About 15 minutes later y/n got out of the shower.

Your POV:

"Babyyyyy I'm backkkk!" I said to Gaege while trying to give him a kiss but he moved away from me. "What was the for?" I said while standing back up. "Who the fuck is this y/n!?" Gaege asked pissed. I grabbed my phone from him and read the messages. "I don't know!! Baby I would never cheat on you I promise!" I said with tears filling my eyes. "That's not what the text look like! Why would you do this! I've liked you for how long and it turns out you are with someone else behind my back! Cheating on me!!" He said while standing up and with anger. "Baby I don't know who it is! I never have cheated nor never with and never with you!! I love you-" I cut my self off and Gaege looked shocked. "Really y/n?" He asked as he lowered his voice. I nodded. "Then why would you cheat on me!!" He said I he raised his voice again. We went on for about 5 more minutes. "Y'know what Gaege. I'm not lying. Nor will I ever lie to you. So I'm just going to go to my mom's house for the night so you can have time for yourself. I don't know who the fuck that is but it's not anyone I would worry about. Like I said. I love you, I'm going to get some things and leave for tonight." I said before anything else was said. "But- I love you too. Thank you I think I need some time..." He then said. I went to the room and called my mom and she said I could stay for a couple nights if I need to. Before I left I gave Gaege a kiss on the cheek then left.

Gaege's POV:

After y/n left I called eddie. "Yo what's up dawg." He said as he answered the phone. "Eh nothing... I just got into a fight with y/n." I said with an upset ton. "Aww man what happened..." "Well her phone kept blowing up one in the morning but I didn't worry about it. Then this morning she went to take a shower and she left her phone on the table and it started to go off again so I went to check what it was. And it was an unknown number saying that they missed her and calling her baby so I think she is cheating on me and I asked and it went into an argument and now she went to her mom's for the night..." I said. "Aw damn dawg. If you ask me, I don't think she would cheat. I don't think she has that kind of heart, and I don't think she wants to lose you. Just calm down tonight and try to talk to her about it tomorrow when she comes home. I hope y'all figure shit out. I gotta go. Love you bro!" "Thanks Eddie. Love you too." He hung up the phone and I watched Netflix and the drifted to sleep.

Your POV:

When I got to my mom's I decided to text that number back to see who it was. But before I did that I was looking at pictures of me and Gaege... I miss him already. I started to tear up because the person who was texting me could have ruined my relationship, and I don't want to lose Gaege. I love him so much. After a little bit of my looking threw picture my mom walked in. "What's wrong hunny?" She asked as she walked threw the door. "I- I don't want to lose Gaege and I feel like the person who was blowing up my phone ruined our relationship with him." I said as tears ran down my face. "Aww, it's ok. I don't think you're going to lose him tho. Gaege is a good guy. He is being protective, I know he don't want to lose you too. I'm sure that's why he acted that way. It's going to be ok." She says as she pulled me in a hug. "Thank you mom. I love you." I said as I put my head on her shoulder. "No problem. That's what mom's are for. Now try and get some sleep." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then watched out of the room. Before I went to sleep I text that number back

                         10:15 PM
                                Me:  Who is this?

C'mon you know who this is

                                 Me: No I don't. I don't have your number saved so who is it

It's josh! Come back to Ohio. I miss you baby
                                 Me: Josh?!?! No I'm not. I'm in a happy relationship and you're not about to ruin that for me. He saw all your text and we got into a fight because of your dumbass. Leave me alone

Josh: so what. Fuck him you know you miss me. C'mon baby

                                    Me: stop calling me that. We have been broken you for 5 months now. Just let me be. You cheated on me with my best friend and you know how much it would have hurt me and you did it anyways. Bye josh

Josh: No! She did that. It didn't mean anything!

                                    Me: You didn't even try to explain when I walked in on you guys!! I'm going to bed leave me alone.

                      ~End of text~

After I found out that was Josh I was pissed. He hurt me so bad and didn't even care. Untill now? Why would he care now. I didn't care so I text Gaege good night but I didn't get anything back so I just went to bed.

Sorry this took so long. I was busy doing school and other things. I hope you enjoy :)

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