The "accidents"

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Your POV:

I'm still staying with Gaege and I don't feel like doing anything. I have all my boxes and stuff in my house I just need to get everything put together. I have my couch and bed and furniture in place it's just everything else. Gaege and I was just sitting on the couch watching a movie because we had nothing to do. "I have to go to the bathroom" Gaege said while he started at me dead in my eyes. 'Ugh why does he have to be so hot' I thought to myself. "Ok have fun." I said with a chuckle. He laughed and walked away. I really need to get my stuff in my house all together so I don't get to comfy staying here. And so he really don't get use to me I guess. I lied down on the couch and didn't think nothing of it. Gaege got out of the bathroom and walked up to me and said "Where and I suppose to sit?" He said with a smirk "Uh I don't know." He jumped on top and held my hands down and we was just laughing and I was trying to get him off of me but we ended up falling on the floor and I was on top of him. I just looked into his eyes. I then snapped back into reality and sat up. I was still on top but he was laying down still so it looks weird. Let's just say that. He had ahold of my sides and it was so hot but I grabbed the couch and tried to get up but he grabbed me and flipped me over and grabbed my arms and said "You thought this was over" with a little laugh. We both just laughed and he got off of me and we went to the kitchen and got a snack and went back to watching our movie. He was a little closer then we was before and it didn't help it any that we was watching a romance movie. I was getting kinda tired and I wanted to go to sleep but I didn't try to make it that noticeable. He looked at me and patted his lap telling me to lay my head down. "No I'm fine." I said as I yawned "Come on take a little nap it's fine." So I lied my head down on his lap and fell asleep. I was asleep for about an hour and when I woke up Gaege and I was laying on the couch and I was in his arms. He was sound asleep and I didn't want to wake him up so I just went back to sleep. When I was trying to go back to sleep I kept thinking to my self 'This is so nice but I know he is being nice. I know he don't like me like that. Or maybe he does. I don't we will have to find out' I fell asleep. I woke up to Gaege moving a little bit and so I flipped over and we was in the position where it looked like we was hugging. He looked down at me and said "Uhh hi there." "Hello" I said with smile. I got up and stretched and he grabbed my side to make me jump. "Stooppp Gaege." I said while making him smile because he thought it was funny. "Ok fine I guess I'll stop." He stood up and went to the kitchen. "Gaege I'm going to get in the shower!" I yelled from the bathroom "okay!" He yelled back I was taking off my shirt and bra and had the water running and I heard the door starting to open "He before you get naked can-" he cut him self off because he saw me shirtless and shut the door real fast "Oh my God I am so so sorry!" I heard him say behind the door. "Oh no you are fine." I replied as I opened the door and had a towel over me so he could use the restroom. I stepped out of the bathroom and let him go. "Again I am so sorry." He said as he walked out of the bathroom. "You're fine I promise." I said as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I got in the shower and did my thing.

Gaege's POV:

I felt so bad for walking in on her. I didn't think she would have her clothes off so fast. It's ok she said so I'm not going to bring it up to her. I started to make dinner so we could have something to eat when she gets out of the shower. I made her a plate and made me one and sat it at the table. As I waited I was just thinking about what had happened today. When we woke up from our naps the way she said hello to me was adorable. I really don't want her to leave. I kinda want her to be my roommate. I'm going to ask her when she gets out of the shower and when we eat dinner. When she got out she went the her room and out you clothes up and came back out to the kitchen and sat down. We started to eat and I asked "Hey so y'know how you have been just staying here because you don't feel like doing anything?" "Yes because I'm lazy" she said with a laugh."So I was thinking since you don't want to do anything you can just move in with me. I mean I'm lonely and need a roommate so would you? But it's up to you it's ok if you don't want to it just would be nice." I explained "Yesss I was just thinking about the same thing in the shower because I don't feel like doing all that stuff." "Ok great!" I  said with excitement. We finished eating dinner and decided to watch another movie before going to bed.

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