Goodbye boys

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Gaege's POV:

I woke up and saw that y/n was still sleeping. I was surprised because she is always awake before me but I didn't complain. We was still cuddling and I had to use the bathroom really bad so I gently moved and then gave her a kiss on the forehead and went to the bathroom. After I was done, I went downstairs an saw Narrator. "Good morning. What do we have planed for today?" I asked as I walked threw the door way. "Well the boys and I can't stay all day-" I then cut him off by saying "Wait why? You guys only stayed like 2 days.." he looked at me with the look he gives mully because he is always getting cut off. "I'm sorry." I said while laughing. "Well as I was saying. We can't stay all day because we have to get home to our girlfriends. But we was planing on getting a big house here in Florida and we all move in it. Does that sound good to you?" He finished. "Hell yea!! I'll look while you guys are all home. What time are you boys leaving?" I asked. He looked at the clock and then looked back at me. "Well we need to get everyone up so we all can hang before we go. But probably about 1 ish." He said. We looked at each other and smirked. I know we was thinking of a way to wake the others. We then bolted up the stairs and got everyone up. They all was pissed because we was be extremely loud. Y/n wasn't in a bad mood tho, she's never in a bad mood. And that's why she is so amazing. Eddie, as always saying random shit in spanish so no one was understanding what the hell he was saying. Narrator made breakfast and we all was at the table. "You boys need to take showers. Yall stink!" Y/n said while laughing."Well who's going first because you guys only have two bathrooms." Mully said. We all looked at each other but then Eddie and Josh yelled "ME!" We all laughed. "Well you two go first after we get done. Then Narrator and mully and then Gaege and I will get in." Y/n looked at me with a smirk.  "Wait, you mean in two different showers.... Or-" Y/n cut Eddie off by saying "Oh shut the fuck up Eddie and mind your own business!" With a laugh. " We all ate and then Eddie and Josh. Josh went in the shower up stairs and Eddie was downstairs. Everyone was in the rooms where they was sleeping and it was me and y/n cleaning the kitchen up. I turned around and so did she. She walked up to me and gave me a kiss and hugged me. "What is this for baby?" I asked but not complaining because it was nice. She looked up and kissed me again. "I can't believe you're mine." She says while looking up at me. "Are you crazy?" I asked pushing her away so I could see her face. "I've liked you forever I just never had the balls to tell you. That's why I never dated anyone when we started to become friends..." I said with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. "Y/n, you have always made me happy, you are always there, you're so funny, so adorable and so so sweet. I don't know why I waited so long." I said. She looked at me and kissed me again. "I've liked you forever too babe. I always talked to my mom about you everyday day after school for hours, and you can ask her about that. I- I'm so happy with you." She hugged me again and then I hear someone say "Awww that was one of the cutest things I have ever seen!!" I look up and see narrator standing there. My face was red and then josh and Eddie walked in from getting out of the shower. "What's going on boys.... And girl."  "Nothing dumbass. And Eddie, you're worried about me and Gaege taking a shower together when it looks like you and josh just got out of the shower together!" Y/n said while laughing and walking to the bed room. Everyone laughed and I followed her. She was getting clothes and then I shut the door behind me. "HOLY SHIT!!" She yelled "What?!?" I yelled back. "Oh my God it's just you. You scared the shit out of me don't do thattttt!" She said while walking up to me. "I'm sorry babyyy." I said while giving her a hug.

Your POV:

After the other two got out of the shower Gaege and I waiting so there could be some hot water so we was just cuddling on the bed. I was playing with his hair and Gaege was in his phone. 'God I love him. I swear.' I thought to myself. I was stilling thinking to myself but then I grabbed his phone and got on top of him. "Hiii." He said. "Hi baby." I said with a kid voice. "What are you doing?" He asked with a giggle. "Nothing. I'm just- Bored." I said with a smirk. "Oh yea?" He said with a smirk. I nodded and stated to make out with him. "Let's go to the shower." I said in his ear. He nodded and we ran to the bathroom, up stairs of course. He already had his shirt up and  we went in the bathroom and shut the door. I took off my shirt and he helped me take my bra off ;). I unbutton his pants and he did the same to mine. We then did the rest by our self's and then got in the shower. Gaege grabbed my hips and we started to make out again. The water was getting cold because we was "making out" so much so we decided to do everything else. We did that and then got out. "Aye we didn't get interrupted this time." I said with a laugh. He looked and me and laughed as well. We got dressed and went down stairs where all the other boys were. "Damn what took you guys do long." Mully asked. I looked at Gaege and said "Don't worry about it.... Off that topic, I think we should go to the mall." "The mall?!? Really??" Josh asked. "Well yea, it seems fun and since it's y'all's last couple hours it wouldn't kill you to do something I want to do." I replied. Gaege nodded and then said "Yea let's go." The all out their shoes and and we got in Gaege's car. We went to the mall and just got a hold bunch of random shit. "Oh c'mon y/n let me sit up front with Gaege!" Mully yells at me because I wouldn't let him sit up front. "No because I'm not sitting back there with your boyfriend josh and the asshole eddie! Gaege is my boyfriend not your back off bitch!" I said while laughing. "Oi! Josh is not my boyfriend and Eddie- is not an asshole but he can be." Mully replied. "Well no shit. I was kidding but still get in the back because I'm freezing!" He rolled his eyes and the got in the back. Gaege but his hand on my thigh and it kinda turned me on but we can't do anything because the boys was still here. It was 12 so I was going to let the boys play vr and I was going to take a nap. "When we get home you boys can do whatever you want but imma take a nap." They all nodded. As soon as we got home I went to my room and got in Gaege's side of the closet and got one of his hoodies and got a pair on my shorts. I layed down and then Gaege walked in the room. "I like your hoodie." He said while walking in. "Thank you!" I said back. He gave me a kiss and said he was going to play vr with the boys before they leave. I nodded and then fell asleep. It was only about a half our and then all the boys was in the room waking me up. "What.... The.... Fuck.... Do you guys want!" I yelled. "Well y'know we are about to leave so we thought we would say goodbye and see you soon.", Narrator says. I stood up and said "Ok give me a hug guys. It was really nice seeing you guys for the first time. Can't wait to you guys again." I gave them all a hug and then Gaege and them hugged. "Bye boys!!!" Gaege and I yelled. Gaege and I went back inside and watched a movie.

That's all for this chapter! Thank you guys for 600 reads. I love you guys!! I really hope you guys enjoy this story. :)

The old days حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن