All nighter

432 4 2

Gaege's POV:

Y/n had a lot of energy and asked if I wanted to stay up and I of course said yes. We finished our movie and we went to the store. It was about 9:00 and we went to Walmart. Y/n was running around like a 7 year old and it was so cute to see her with this much energy. She went straight to the clothes and was looking at onesies. She looked at me with a smirk and said "We both have to get one." "Why?" I replied just to see what she says. She looks me up and down and then said "So we can match. Duhh!" She grabbed one for her and one for me and then we continued shopping. She grabbed a lot of snacks, and I mean a lot. She also got face mask for us to do. After we left the store we went to Starbucks and got some coffees, not like she needs them right now she is already bouncing off the walls. We got home about 15 minutes after leaving starbucks. I unlocked the door and y/n ran in the house and back to our room. I sat on the couch but once I sat down I head y/n yell "Gaege! Get your ass in here and change!!" With a little laugh. So I stood back up and walked to the bed room. She had already had hers on. "I'll close my eyes." Y/n said with a little giggle and she put her hands over her eyes. I just took my shirt off and but it on over my shorts. "You done??" She asked as she uncovered her eyes assuming I was done. She was just looking with no comments. "You like what you see." I said with a laugh. She then snapped back into reality and then said "oh my God I'm sorry." She said while covering her eyes again. "It's fine its not like it's nothing you haven't seen before." I said with a laugh. She laughed as well and it finished putting the onesie on.

Your POV:

I opened my eyes because I thought Gaege was done. I just stood there looking and not paying attention to anything else that was happening and then I hear Gaege say "You like what you see." I then covered my eyes back up and said "On my God I'm sorry." "It's fine its not like it's nothing you haven't seen before." he said with a laugh. I laughed as well but as he was putt the onesie all the way on I was thinking 'Im so lucky to have someone like him. He is so loyal and so caring, loving, and very cute.' when he got done I walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug and didn't let go for a few minutes. I just stood there and started to tear up but didn't make it noticeable so he wouldn't ask what's wrong. I'm so happy to be with him. I then let let go and looked up at Gaege and just looked him in his eyes. "What was that for cutie?" He asked with a smile. I didn't say anything I just looked into his eyes. But then I finally said "Come on let's go make brownies!" While grabbing his hang and walk to the kitchen. I got the brownie mix out of the cabinet and then Gaege snatched them out of my hands "No, you don't need them you are hyped enough." He said with smile on his face. I looked at him with a sad look and then sat on the floor. "Well imma need some help making these." He said with a laugh while opening the box. I jumped up and we started to make the brownies. We got the brownie mix mad and then put it in the pan and then into the oven. We just stood there the whole time talking about what we was going to do all night. It was about 12 now and the brownies was almost done. It was really quite so I started to eat the rest of the brownie mix that was left in the bowl. Gaege put some on his finger and then wiped it on my nose. I looked at him and giggle and then I got the flower out of the cabinet, took a handful and threw it at him "Oh no you didn't!" He yelled and grabbed a handful and wiped it down my face we sat the and was laughing our asses off. He picks me up and sat me on the counter and we started to make out. Ask we making out he was grabbing my waist and it turned me on but then the oven beeped because the brownies was done. I stopped kissing him and said "Brownies are done!!" With excitement. I jumped down and grabbed an oven mit and got the brownies out. We had to wait for a few minutes for them to cool down. I needed to take a quick shower so I told Gaege. I got in the shower and was just thinking about what I wanted us to do. I got out of the shower and but my onesie back on and went out to the living room where Gaege was. I sat down next to him and said "I wanna take cute pictures with you." "Uhh why?" He asked confused but with a little giggle. "Because we are matching and it was be adorable!" I replied while jumping up out of my seat. "Ok. Where are we going to take them?" He said "I was thinking we could go out to like a store and sit in carts or something y'know?" I replied because I want this to be cute!! He nodded and we went back to the kitchen and ate a couple of brownies. We then got our shoes after we a the brownies and got in Gaege's car. When we go to the store which was walmart because it was closest place we got out and grabbed a cart. I jumped in and then said "Push!!" With excitement. He nodded and started the push. He went slow and then started to run and it scared me a little. I screamed and he started laughing. He then stopped really fast and leaned in an kissed me. We took our pictures and then went back home because it was cold. It was 2 am now and I was stared to get tired. "Gaege do you want to watch a movie and go to bed now I'm getting kinda tired." I said while walking back in the living room. "Yes I'll get blankets." We got a movie and lied down and fell asleep.

Thank you guys so much for 300 reads!!! Tell me if y'all have ideas for the story I'll try and add them in. Thank you :)

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