~ The Tension ~

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The afternoon has turned orange. It was strangely relieving to know that North just sat silently on the sofa, watching television for two hours straight. And, he didn't even show any pain. ... Not even responses to the tv show.

"North?" South called.

The korean neko didn't budge.

South Korea walked closer to his brother. He took silent steps towards the sofa. And just like what he had thought, North was sleeping, slightly snoring. He looked okay. South sighed, and smiled. He knew exactly that North would jolt awake if he make any sound near him, so he left.

Walking to his room, and sat near of his desk. The white painted wooden table was decorated with lots of stickers. South picked his phone and decide to ask Japan if he can do something to help making the cure.

"Hey, kitty. Is there anything I can help for the cure? I will go there if you allow me."

Some seconds later, Japan replied.

"China-san said your job is to watch over North-san every second and report any strange things that happens. But, until now you haven't tell anything, so we believe North's all fine. You don't need to come"

South finally stayed. He thought he will disturb them if he tried to help.

It honestly felt sad and heart-aching for South Korea that was left not doing anything when his beloved brother dying in front of him. Well, not painfully, but silently scratching his soul from the inside without anyone would notice he already lost his breath when it happen.

"Ugh," South groaned, "I hate this tension."

Why did I left the jar there in the first place? Why didn't I take it with me? Why is that sugar was made in the first place?! What kind of person who make a daydream looking poison and leave it alone! I... hate... her?

No. It's not Japan's fault. I... I think I'm just tired. Even though I didn't even do anything. Please... please, I don't wanna hate you.

If I will hate her, and I lost my bro, I think I'll be alone. Eating alone, watching tv alone, singing alone without someone shouting me to shut up, driving alone, cleaning alone, getting old alone?

South Korea started crying without sound. The long and soundless night was soo dark to him. Thinking about every memory he has gone through with his brother. Some sad, some happy, neutral, or, that time when he listened to a music and shared an earphone with his brother under the tree in a spring afternoon. It was not really 'fun' but, well, peaceful.

No! They'll try their best to get the cure. Japan and China are two of the best and most bright brained human in the school. I wonder what they're doing in China's lab.


I'm still alive! And I'm soo happy to continue this story here. Sorry for the wait. Oh yeah, I'm not dead,- So wait. This week will be filled with exam in my school, so the updates will be a bit slow. Plus, I really really have to gather my vocabulary. I use g translate almost word by word right now to type this story. Ahahaha. Thank you for still reading this story, even after the long hiatus. Stay safe!

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