~ The Furry Tail ~

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South Korea was half running through the hallway. He had a feeling, North Korea would be in their class, so he went there first. He peeked. He gazed around, and found that North not inside that room. He kept walking, a little disappointed because of his false feeling.

The southern korean stopped in front of the library. Why? He saw a furry blue tail like thing that hid behind one of the bookrack. He got into the library, and quietly made his way to the furry thing. And he was right. It really was a tail, and at the end of it, was... a stack of books?

"Hey, North?" South Korea started. The book stack didn't move, and made a sound.

"Who is 'north'? I'm just a stack of books," it said with sad but flat sound.

"Brother, please," South said. He took one of the book that covered North's head. "You don't have to be like this...."

"South, leave me alon~... agh...," North rose his head a little, but ducked it again with a groan.

South Korea just stood there, worried. He kept his eyes on his brother that had his hands on his head. They shutted their mouth for some seconds, and South started.


"Hm?" North Korea hummed immediately.

"You okay?"

"I am possessed by a crazy mad cat. How can I possibly be OKAY?"

South Korea stared at his brother. He then sighed. South sat beside his ear flattened brother.

"Hey, can we talk?" South said.

"Of course, go ahead. I don't have anything to say. I'm studying (!)," North answered with flat but commanding voice.

South Korea took a peek to the papers North held to hid his face.

"Share!" South said.


"Share...!" South pleaded.

"Fine," North Korea sighed, and held the paper in a position where both of them can read it clearly.

South Korea read the paper. It was about some formulas and ingredients to make potions. He tried to memorize them, remembering that he hadn't studied for the exam today.

"Look," North Korea said, pointing his finger to a potion, "the sublimation potion. It can turn ANY hard objects into gas."

"North, I know what it does. So?" South said, a little annoyed by his brother teaching him.

"I think my feelings just turned into gas after this fight, and I just... I just... think I will be blown by the wind just soon," North said, stuttering a little.

South just sat there, feeling guilt built up in the pit of his stomach. He just gulp it down, and start speaking,

"How do you feel?" South said.

"Honestly, bro, I feel cold. Is my shirt today too thin or something?"

"You need the nurse?" South said, fastly.

"No," said North, spontaniously. "It's not that bad. You! Ugh, just stop worrying about me! That's annoying."

South chuckled. "Heheh, okay."

They read the full description and procedure of how to make that potion that was written surprisingly neatly.

"The sublimation potion... ah... North, you've done reading all this?" South Korea asked his brother.

"Approximately one minute ago," North answered flatly.

"Oh, then you should already see this magnetic magic potion!"

"You mean... the glowing glue?"

South laughed because of the names they both gave for that magical potion that can make any object it touched stick together.

In the paper, there was an illustration about the potion. Four different lab tools, a wooden tonge, a beaker glass, a plastic spoon, and a metal cube, stick together being one piece because of the potion.

"That's us! The East Asian Team!" said South.

"And what do you call that sticky looking substance in between those things?"

"True friendship, and family!" South said, happily.

North Korea, being a... well... North Korea, just smirked with his laughing brother beside him.

They kept on reading the remaining piece of paper until they heard a loud and shocking school bel rang.

At class

All the students were sitting quietly on the seats that were already labeled with their number, as the teacher placed a piece of paper on top of each table.

"Alright kids," said the teacher, "This exam starts now. You can fill your paper."

North Korea flipped the white paper, that revealed only two simple question, with a long and paper wasting answer. But lucky for him, the questions were way easier than he thought.

1. What does a sublimation potion do?

2. How to make a super phospor glue?

Oh my!!! I'm soo sorry... I was too focused on drawing and doing some personal stuffs until I forgot to post this. To all this story readers, thank you soo much for reading this story. Thanks for voting it, and giving reviews. I feel very happy! I think my english just broke. I still remember when this story in #1 NorthKorea. I was happy until I act all jumpy and excited. Thank you soo much ♡

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