~ The Tea ~

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A moment after South leaved the house, North Korea, his twin brother, entered the house. He placed down his hat, and took off his coat. Just when he stepped a foot on the first stair to the second floor, his throat itch. Now he searches for a drink.

In the kitchen, he took his glass, and filled it with plain water. He drank it. But the pain in his throat only getting worse. He saw a box full of tea bags. He decided to make a warm cup of tea for himself. He took a cup, filled it with warm water, and added the tea bag. He took a sip.

"Ugh, bitter!"

Sugars! North was looking for the sugar cube jar, but when he found it, the jar was empty. He cannot find the honey either. When he walked near the table, he found a jar full of white and sparkly little cubes. It was smaller than a regular sugar cubes but North just take it. He took one, and added it to his tea.

But North does not take it as enough. He want's more. He took two more cubes and add it to his tea. Wow, he really are a sugar friend. He gulps down the tea. Since it is now not too hot. But after he emptied the cup, he realized his mistake. He felt his body trembling and cold. His head and body felt like getting an ice shot. 'It might a common sugar rush' the Northen Korea thought, but a second later, he thought otherwise.

He felt his head changed shape. When he touched it, he felt something thin and furry on his head. A pair, exactly. Then, something furry touched his back. He looked around, but he saw nothing. The furry thing, now behing him. He turned his head, and realized it was 'his' tail.

"Oh, who should I blame for this?" North said out loud.

There were footsteps. North Korea, who has a big cat ear, could hear them. He strangely cannot move and just stand there waiting for someone opens the door.


"Hello, bro..."

South Korea surprised by his sight. His brother, his grumpy bother, turned into an adorable neko.

Then, behind him, Japan, screamed out of cuteness.

"AAAH! North-kun! KAWAII!"

Japan has a star eyes and ran to North Korea, and played with his cheeks.

"Ah! Stop!"

North pushed Japan away. But, the scene just made him looked even more cuter. His fangs were longer like Japan'.

South is smiling. Between confusion, happiness, and worryness. First of all, is North really think the white cubes were sugars? They were already labeled as dangerous on the jar. But he looked really adorable. I never see him this cute before. But, I doubt the 'safeness' of this potion. Will North be okay? Will he hurt? How long will he be a neko? What happened when the affect stops? But first, how much cubes did he take?


South Korea and Japan walked to the Korean's house, after the group homework was done. In their way, they talked about the neko potion.

"About, the cubes," South started, "How much cubes should I take to turn into a neko?"

"Only one. Taking less will cause a headache, because your body get a signal to turn, but you can't because you don't have enough potion."

"What if I take more than one at once?"

"Do not ever do that! I don't know for sure, but taking it more than one will cause an overdose affect that will show up when the neko is gone. It may cause a stomachache, to vomiting, to suffer a cancer, or die immediately. I've written the warnings on the jar with bold markers, so don't worry."

"Fyuh. For a second, though, I thought I will kill my brother. He might be home by now."

They walked silently after it.

End flashback

Thanks for 'sticking around' to read my story. To be honest, this is actually a short story. That's why I make each chapters short. Until next time, bye!

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