~ The Dream ~

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South Korea opened his eyes slowly. He was still on the sofa. Outside was still dark, it was still night. He rose his body. Sleeping on the couch made his back hurts. When all the things around him seems to be not blurry anymore, he stood. Looking left and right, the house felt just like how it usually was, South took a deep breath and walked to the stairs.

There was this strange light feeling inside his heart that he didn't understand. He took one slow step at a time ascending the stairs, thinking that he was forgetting something. North Korea must be sleeping inside his room now. But when South made it to the end of the stairs, he had this urge to check on his brother.

Every step he took made him feel even more concious. His neko brother, the poisonous cubes, the cure that was almost complete, and the task to watch North Korea and his condition.

South Korea made it to the front of his brother's bedroom. The door was shut, but South knew it was unlike his brother to lock his bedroom door at night. His hand reached the doorknob. He hesitated, if he would disturb his brother. Brushing off that thought, he finally touched the doorknob. His hand turned the cold handle. Suddenly an uneasy taste formed in his mouth. Taking a gulp, he swung the door open.

The room was almost pitch black. The only light that shone in that room was the soft moonlight from the gaps of the curtains that were drawn shut. South reached for the light switch, but it was already in the on position. He kept in mind that he has to change the light after his brother wake up.

South walked to his brother's bed. The neko countryhuman was lying idly upwards like a soldier, just like how he usually sleeps. But there was something strange about his sleep tonight.

His body did not move at all.

South touched his brother's cheek. It was pale and cold. His heart beats faster. Every air that came into his throat feels choking. His legs shakes, and he's afraid.

No, Southie-san, stay calm! Check his pulse!

South with his trembling hand pressed below North's hand. There's no pulse. He lean to North's chest to hear the hearbeat. None.

No way... no way...

South touched North's face once again. It was cold and... dead. His closed eyes, his relaxed eyebrows, his almost smiling mouth, it was all grey and lifeless.

So the light feeling inside South's heart wasn't sleepyness or confusion.

It was emptiness. North Korea is dead.

South Korea stood back scared and confused. It felt as if there was a heavy pressure fell on him. At the same time, something soo big from his life has taken away. Drops of tear rolled down his cheeks. His vision were blurred by tears. South buried his face to his palms. The world turned cold and dark.

Suddenly, there was a light. It shone brighter and brighter until he could only saw white. It was the morning sunshine. South woke up.

"I'm..." South looked at his surroundings, "in my room."

He sat up. Staring blankly to his front, recollecting his thoughts. He suddenly remembered something.

"North Korea!"

South rushed down the stairs and stopped by the kitchen. He saw his brother, still a neko, frying some omelettes for breakfast.

"You're soo excited this morning," said North, flatly, like how the grumpy twin brother he usually was.

"Thank god!" said South. It was only a dream.

This is a sad chapter to write :')
See you in 2022, guys! ;D

NEKO SUGAR CUBES ~ CountryhumansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora