~ The Helmet~

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At last, North Korea opened his eyes. He was on his bed, in his room. The desklamp shone, accompanying the moonlight to brighten the room. Slowly, the view around him turned clearer, and then he saw something else in his room. Another person, standing with his back facing North. The person turned his head, and exclaimed something, surprised. He softly touched North's hand and called.

"North, North Korea, wake up. Please, hear me. Stay concious. There... there..."

North Korea's vision started to clear, and the person who whispered those words were a red countryhuman friend of his.

"China?" called North with his weak rough voice.

"Yes, I entered through the window. But how do you feel? Nothing hurts right?" asked China.

North moved his stiff neck. He inhaled deeply. A little cold rush formed in his lungs, which sent his body shivering. He felt warmer, as the blanket covered him was pulled higher through his neck. North took some time, controlling his breath. The coldness slowly fade away, as the warm feeling melt his stiff body.
He looked back to China. The red guy was wearing his night robe on top of his pajamas. He stood still, patiently watching North Korea. He didn't wear his mask on like usually in school, so North could see China's smile when North stared at him.

North moved his hand. He suddenly felt a small sting of pain on his arm. "I'm sorry," said China, as he let out his hand, showing a syringe on it. "I have to do this to save you."

"You... save me?"

China didn't answer immediately. He pulled the blanket, and gently got North's hand out. China took out a thing that shaped like a pen, and with a small click, it stabbed the tip of his finger and made it bleed a drop. Whatever the chinese countryhuman doing, North Korea just stared, feeling irritated because he couldn't move his stiff body freely.

China took a deep breath before he started his explanation, as he rubbed North's little wound on his finger. "I injected the neko sugar cubes potion into your blood. This potion is actually a form of mutation of sugar. I can't tell you all the formula, uh, chemistry and the whatever all sorts of those stuffs now, because you won't understand what I'll say. So in a nutshell, after you consume too much cubes, your body will use a whole of that sugar, and got the command to empty those sugars by using it in the same length of time as you usually using regular sugar. These silly little hormones on your body was affected by the rush of this 'magical' sugar cubes, and won't stop commanding you to use the sugars UNTIL you're out of it, which means..." China took another breath, "death."

North Korea didn't say a word, just a confused irritated face. The explanation was too fast for his tired brain to process.

"But," China continued, "when you're dying in lack of sugar, here I am, injecting you more of this... neko sugar cubes to your veins, and you're alive! Don't make me explain to you why I CAN'T use regular sugar to save your life, it will take more than an hour to make you understand. Oh, and now," China lifted the blood sugar tester that was already showing the number, "you are back, and you'll soon feel better. But you're still a neko, though. Still, this won't last long. The cure will be given to you soon, so, uhm, I... hope you'll hang on until then."

What he said was true. North Korea had feel much better. His body had felt warmer, and he could move his body, along with his ears and tail.

"I've known this kind of thing will happen from the very morning when were in that room with Japan and South. And in the afternoon, when Phillippines told me what happened to you, I was hoping I can save you in time before it's too late. I should've made this liquid potion faster, North. We were almost losing you!" China blamed. "I sure hope you are feeling okay. Don't worry. Tomorrow, at eight AM, should be the exact hour when you should drink the cure. I'm fairly believe the cure will be perfectly done before it. Don't be late, North. Oh, of course you won't be late to drink it. You have us to make you do that! We will-"


"Good. You got your voice back. What is it? Is anything hurts-"

"I know the reason why you wear mask most of the time."

China gave a confused face. "Huh?"

North stretched a smirk. "To stop your mouth from blabbering too much."

Hearing that, China turned his face, embarrased. He face North back with a wide grin and said, "You're back. Your hand is soo cold!"

North Korea felt his blue cold hand being gripped by a warm one. After that, North stretched his back and tried to sit. China held him so he can actually sit up. China handed North a glass of water, and the neko korean gulp it down fastly.

Some minutes later, North Korea could walk by himself. China almost jumped out the window to get out, but North stopped him from doing so. They walked down the stairs and went outside, to where China parked his motorcycle. They had a little chat, below the night lamp, before he went home.

"So, be careful on the road," said North.

"Hm! Sure thing. You, don't die yet. If not, I will... well," China hesitated, "I was scared, no, trembling when I saw you... sleeping there, North. I think I don't, I never wanna lose you. But don't tell anyone I just said this kind of thing!" He put a finger on his lips.

North let out a smile. "Thank you, buddy."

They hugged each other. Then, China put on his helmet, and dashed into the road. North went back into the house, and decided to take a short sleep before the sunrise.

A chapter full of China's blablabla XD
C ya in the next chapter <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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