[68] What Did You Do

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I WALKED DOWN the street, shivering. It was midnight and I was freezing. My tear-stained cheeks felt like ice as I hugged myself in attempts to regain some warmth, but it was at least sixty-two degrees (sixteen Celsius) and I had no idea where I was or where I was going.

When he left me alone in that room. . .once he was finished, Sam found me. He found me as a ball on the ground, sobbing hysterically. He claimed to have been searching for me for the last half hour but by the time he arrived, I did not care for his company anymore. He was too late.

He said that he saw some boy—Kian leave the room and that Blaire was waiting outside. I think that he knew what happened, he just did not want to assume the worst. But the worst happened and I could not stop it.

He tried to help me, pulling me off the ground, but we walked downstairs and I lost him in the crowd, which was significantly smaller than it was when I first arrived. I heard him keep calling my name but he was looking in the wrong direction for me and it seemed as though I had lost my voice, so I walked out the front door and left him behind.

I have been walking for no more than five minutes but I was beginning to realize I did not know how to get back home, but then thought about it for a moment, and I remembered, loud and clear.

Pulling my phone out of the pocket of my skirt, I stopped momentarily, staring down at the cracked screen. As I cried, so did the heavy clouds above me, making it difficult to unlock my phone. I went to my contacts, tapping on the red writing and then unblocked his number.

I held the speaker to my ear, listening as it rang and rang. It was on the last ring before going to voicemail, but then he answered. "Violet?" he sounded shocked but also worried.

At the sound of his voice, I burst into tears. God, I love his voice. "L-Lakyn." I replied, clapping my hand over my mouth the muffle the sob which erupted from the back of my throat. "It's twelve AM and I'm cold and everything is really blurry and all I know is that I need you here."

I heard the jingle of his keys through the speaker followed by a muffled sound. "Fuck." I heard him curse before he bought the phone back to his ear. "Where are you?"

With blurred vision, I searched my surroundings for anything familiar but I recognized nothing. "I-I don't know." my bottom lip quivered as I swiped my tears away with a wet hand all thanks to the rain.

"Look for a street sign, baby." he instructed in a calm manner as I heard the sound of a door shutting.

Unable to function properly, I looked around, noticing the green street sign attached to a tall silver poll. I squinted my eyes, attempting to read the white writing. "Ma—Maple street." I managed to get out. 

"Okay, good girl." he murmured. "Do you want me to stay on the phone?"

I nodded, though when realizing that he could not see me, I said: "Yes, please." I walked over to the sidewalk and despite the asphalt being completely soaked, I sat down on the edge anyway. I was already drenched anyway.

I heard the sound of his engine revving and then his GPS giving him the directions, but other than that, the line was practically silent. I did not want to distract him from his driving—not that he would mind—and I did not have much to say, not right now at least. I just needed him on the other line because. . .well, I was frightened.

As I gazed up at the glimmering stars, I watched in awe. This disgusting world may be tragic but I admire how something beyond earth can still gift us with its beauty even when we are not able to give them anything in return. The night time would be so bland without those white speckles in the navy-blue sky.

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