Chapter 8

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We return home and Jack starts to loosen his grip on me, "Jack are you ok?" "yeah, it's just North, he didn't even care if I was ok or not. He just wanted an answer to the whole me being a guardian thing" I pull him closer to me rub his shoulder, "don't worry Jack, it'll be ok." He smiles a bit, and I notice a little dried blood in his hair, "Jack you have some dried blood in hair, what happened?!?!" he looks at me with a smile and just answers calmly, "turns out on my way here earlier I hit Tooth and we both fell to the earth, guess I hit my head pretty hard" I gently check his head and he has small cut which seems to a layer of frost covering it. 'that explains why there isn't that much blood' I pull him closer and lead him to my room, "Pitch why are we back in the room?" "you dear boy are going to rest for the rest of the day and let your head heal" he nods and sits on the bed handing me his staff, I take it and it turns a dark shade of brown, Jack notices and starts to touch my hand on the staff. It glows a pale blue under our grip, "cool" he looks so amazed by this but eventually he lets go of me and set his staff next to the bed. "Ok Jack, get some rest I'm going to head out and spread my nightmares ok" he looks upset when I say that, "can you leave the two nightmares that were with last night?" I can't but laugh, "yes I can, would you like to know their names?" he gives me a cute look but nods his head. As the two nightmares form I give them special items so Jack can tell them apart, "the one with yellow eyes is my most trusted nightmare Onyx, and I trust him with my life" Onyx simple nudges my arm then goes on the bed next to Jack like last night, "the one that likes to lay on the floor next you has blue eyes, her name is Azula" she nudges Jack's leg making him laugh.
        I'm about to leave when I feel arms wrap around me, I turn and see Jack hugging me, I let out a chuckle and hug him back, "It's ok Jack, I promise I'll return, just like last night." he nods his head and lets go I give him on more smile before I leave him and the nightmares, 'maybe I should go back, I could bring him with me, no he needs his sleep.' I start to leave for the town nearby thinking of only Jack.

Pitch left and I returned to the bed with the nightmares Onyx grabs my sweater with his mouth and pulls me on to the bed and starts nuzzling my sides making me laugh again, then Azula joins and I can't stop laughing until they both stop suddenly looking around the room, "what is it, what's wrong" Azula starts walking towards the bedroom door, when I try to get up and follow Onyx stops me making me scared a little, he sense and licks my cheek and I go to pet his head calming down until all of hear a loud banging sound making me terrified. Azula runs over and both of them grab hold of my sweater sleeves dragging me away from the bed, I grab my staff and follow them into the shadows holding on to Onyx scared. In a low voice I try to talk to Onyx, "onyx what's going one" he places his head on mine but I don't get a response just a comforting touch, his sandy face feels warm and at the same time cool to the touch it's calming the way it kinda moves on it's own. He seems to notice me relaxing and stands closer so I can feel his sand moving around cooling and warming me at the same time calming me down.
         Suddenly we hear someone walking around and they take me to see who it is while staying in the shadows unseen by whoever it is, we walk to the bedroom and we see Bunny walking around sniffing the room, "Jack, oi where are you mate?" does he really think I'm going to go to him after what happened at North's. I feel Azula walk past me, I try to stop her but looks to me and continues of the shadows and goes towards Bunny taking my form, Bunny turns and see's her. "Oh Jack what has he done to you mate" Azula doesn't answer but takes her 'staff' and points it at Bunny motioning for him to leave, "nah mate, can't do that, so let's put the staff down and talk ok" Azula gets ready for Bunny to attack, and as he gets closer I can see him reach for one of his boomerangs. 'NO, HES GOING TO HURT HER' Onyx notice the increase in my fear and trys to comfort me, Azula also noticed and looked back to me giving Bunny the opening he was looking for and he slashed at her making her dissolve into a pile of sand, and I can't stop myself from running out of the shadows to where she was followed by Onyx close behind me. "Jack!" is all I hear before I start to lose control, the temperature drops so low, if it weren't for his fur coat Bunny would have froze then and there. Onyx trys his best to calm me down but it doesn't work. 

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