Chapter 6

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We both finish our food and I notice that for once in my life I'm happy, genuinely happy and it's because I agreed to talk to Pitch and get to know him, something the guardians didn't care to do, they just wanted to make me a guardian and follow them into whatever it is they do. But Pitch, he's nice and he's taking the time to get to know me, "hey Pitch" he looks over at me with a smile on his face, "yes Jack" he actually seems happy, "I need to head out for a bit and spread winter, are you ok with me coming back afterwards?" part of me knows it's hopeless to wish that he'll say yes. "Jack my door is always open to you, you are free to come and go as you wish." Lucky for me that part is going away, "thanks Pitch, and thank you for this I really appreciate it." I give him another hug, something I'm sure neither of us is used to. "Your welcome Jack, and be safe." He returns me hug and I head start to leave and ting of sadness growing in my heart again, but I push it aside, 'Pitch wants me around, and I want to hangout more.' I leave the shadows and walk into the cold the wind greets me blowing into my face almost like a mother kissing her child on the cheek. I can't the stop the smile from spreading on my face and the wind can tell I'm happy and I think she knows why, she takes me in her "arms" and lifts me to the sky flying over the little town spreading my winter.
      It doesn't take long before I'm down and start to make my way back to Pitch when I hit someone mid flight and we both crash land to the ground and everything turns black.
        It takes some time before I wake with splitting headache, I look around and I'm in an unfamiliar room, and it's warm and smells of cookies for some reason. I look around for my staff and find it leaning on the wall next to the bed I'm laying in, 'Pitch must be worried that I haven't returned yet, actually where the hell am I' before I can get up from the bed someone opens the door to the room I'm in and in walks, "Bunny?" he looks up at me with an almost worried look, he walks over to me slowly careful to not startle me I'm sure. Once he's close enough he starts to check my head, "what are you doing!", "relax mate, I'm making sure you didn't get a concussion when you hit Tooth and landed on your head." I try to think back to that moment and he's right I did hit someone I just wasn't sure who, "is-is she ok?" "who, Tooth, yeah she's fine just worried about you is all. Well doesn't look like you messed yourself up to bad, I think you'll be ok." "Great because I have somewhere to be" I start to get up but my headache stops me and I about fall over, I would have fallen over if Bunny hadn't been there to catch me. "Easy there Frost, look why don't you tell me where going and I can give you hand there" I think for a minuet but the thought of how Pitch reacted when I mentioned the Guardians told me everything, they did not like each other.
            "No it's fine I can there by myself. Really" I couldn't tell if he bought it not, "well at least wait a bit, Tooth want's to see you and make she didn't kill ya." I nod and Bunny hands me my staff and leads me out to the other 3, Sandy and North are doing there own thing, Tooth is fluttering around the room, probably worried that she killed me. "Oi, Tooth" Bunny calls up to her and once she see's me she fly's over and hugs me but I gently push her away, "sorry it's just I'm not used to affection or anything" a complete lie but she seems to understand, "of course I'm sorry, so are you ok, I mean after what happened?" I simply nod my head, then North walks over and I wish that the shadows would swallow me whole right now. "Jack, I believe you have had enough time to think about the Guardianship, and I would like to know what you think" the others look like they want to slap him and frankly so do I. "Are you kidding me, first you try to force me the first time I was here, then Tooth about killed me mid flight, which by the way Tooth I apologize too, I should have been watching where I was flying." she gives me a nod and small smile. North however looks at me almost angry, "look Jack we need you, Man-In-Moon chose you to help up stand agents Pitch..." I stopped listening after he said 'stand agents Pitch' and I start to get angry at him, the room temperature drops almost 20 degrees. And everyone seems to have notice, "oi Jack, mate what's wrong?" I'm not really listening, I'm trying to calm myself down before I cause another blizzard. Then we all hear a laugh echo through the room, and we all know who it is, the Guardians get ready to fight but I start calming down, the room starting to go back to normal, then Pitch appears atop North's globe and looks around the room till our eyes meet. "Jack there you are, I was wondering what happened when you didn't return, then I sensed your anger." 'He was looking for me', "WHAT DO YOU WANT PITCH" North yells with swords drawn and all of the guardians start to circle around me like I need protecting.

I watch as the 4 Guardians circle Jack, I can't help but roll my eyes, "It's simple you old fool, I came to get Jack and go home with him." They all look at me with hate, well everyone but Jack, he's happy to see me, and he starts to fly over to me before Sandy grabs him with his golden wipes and brings him closer to them. "You are all morons you know that right?" "What the bloody hell are you going on about" that rabbit is the worst of them, "Jack wants to come with me, it's that right Jack" they all look at him but he's watching me, "yes, I do" there gasps and look of fear are enough for me, I send a nightmare to break Sandys wipes and Jack comes straight to me and hugs me. "PITCH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM" gah that high pitched voice of Tooth's so annoying, "simple my dear I asked if he wanted to talk and invited him to my home for dinner, he accepted and well I think he and I are becoming friends, what do you say?" he just moves to my side and leans into my side, "friends", its enough to make the others pissed. "Well love to stay and chat but I think Jack has had enough of you all today, so good bye." I take Jack's hand and we appear in my home.

"Guys what just happened?"

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