Chapter 5

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Jack, dreaming---
I wake from being in the lake, the first thing I know is the moon, then I feel the ice under my feet. I find an odd looking stick thing with a sorta hook end, I pick it up and frost spreads from where I touched it. It glows a light blue then ice shots from the top and hits a nearby tree making a beautiful frost design on it, wanting to try again I touch a tree with the stick and frost spreads across it forming intricate designs, then I'm lifted into the sky by some unknown force and then immediately dropped into some trees. I clutch on to a branch and feel the force lift me into the air once again and take me to nearby village, I see people of all ages the older ones are doing things I have no idea what, and children are running around playing, I walk up to a few and try to talk to them but they run right through me, I try again to other people but it's all the same they all go though me like I'm some sorta ghost, I return to the lake after giving up and look to the moon hoping for some kind of answer to what's going on but nothing, nothing but a name. Jack Frost.
         I watch my life go by, all 300 years of it, from when I first came to be Jack Frost, to about few years ago. The blizzard of 68, it had been an accident, I had just gotten upset but whenever I tired to explain  myself no one would listen. "You do nothing but cause trouble, your a mistake, man-in-moon was wrong to bring you back, no one want you frost" and Bunny was the worst he would yell at me sometimes he would beat me up and I always believed I deserved it.
          I feel something trying to shake me and hear someone calling out my name, "ack, Jack wake up, Jack you need to wake up" I wake with a sudden jolt launching myself out of the bed and looking around my surroundings, I can't really see anything but 3 figures, 2 horses and a man dressed in black he looks worried, I finally settle down and land back on the holding my head in my hands. I feel arms wrap around me and I lean into them and I can't stop myself from crying. "Shh, it's ok, it's ok, I'm here Frost." I don't respond I just continue crying into his chest and feel him rub my back trying to help me calm down.

Pitch, before Jack's nightmare---
I sit in my chair reading a book until I sense a fear from Jack, I place my hand on his hoping he just needs someone to hold his hand while he sleeps but the fear just grows more and more, I look to see what he's dreaming about and it's life from when he was re-born. 'Oh Jack' I try to shake him awake before it gets to bad, but it doesn't work, I start calling out his name trying to wake him but nothing until his shot open and he jumps out of the bed panicked. He eventually calms down and lands on the bed holding his head in his hands, his shoulders starts to shake and I can tell he's crying, I slowly wrap my arms around him and he leans into me his face on my chest and he just cries. "Shh, it's ok, it's ok, I'm here Frost." The nightmares also try to help by nuzzling into him a little, I start to rub his back hoping to help him calm down. 'No child should ever be put through what you've gone through' the worst part is he believed he deserved everything they did to him.
         It takes about 2 hours before he finally calms down, at this point were both sitting on the bed him curled up into me, me rubbing his back. 'fuck the plan, Jack actually needs someone to be there for him.' Jack finally starts to move and sit up, his usual light blue eyes now a darker shade and red from crying so much. He notices how were sitting and he quickly moves, but I don't let him get far, "Pitch, what are....what are you doing" I pull back over to me and have him sit next to me, "I know this is out of your comfort zone, but I feel you need someone next to you right now." He doesn't fight back on it but simply nods, I know he feels like he doesn't deserve to be treated nicely but I'm going to change that. "Jack" a simple "hmm" is I'll get in responds, "are you hungry or anything?" a small nod but enough to make me smile a little. "Come on then, lets get something to eat shall we" he smiles a little and starts to get up slowly, I get up and lead him back to the area where we first talked, and begin making something for both of us. Spirits don't really need to eat but sometimes it's nice to share a meal with someone, even if it's just because they need comforting, I make us some Mac-N-Cheese. (Don't Judge). And get him a bowl then sit next to him as he looks at his food confused, "what's the matter Jack?" "it's just I've never had this before" his voice is low and scratching from all his crying, "well I promise it's good, as long as you like warm food covered in cheese", he gives a slight laugh making me smile then starts to eat his bowl and I swear I could his face light up with joy, "this is amazing, and for the record I do like food that's warm. Believe it or not I hate always being cold" the smile starts slipping from his. "Well if you want Jack, you can always come over and we can have meals like this." He smiles again, "really?" "Yes, I enjoy having you around." That one sentence was enough to make him launch at me and hug me tightly almost crying again. 

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