Raynor: Friends and Foes

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My PC broke down due to a power surge, so my updates will be slower until it is fully fixed. Enjoy this chapter!



James Raynor vividly remembers the day when he was pulled into the Nexus the moment he was about to be overrun by a swarm of zerglings. His life had been full of ups and downs, with a huge portion of it worthy of a saga. He had survived whatever the universe was throwing at him ever since before the Brood War in Koprulu, and that made him seem very lucky. Managing to form alliances with the Protoss, especially with high-reputation figures such as Tassadar, Zeratul, and Artanis made others like Tychus hold him in high regard and with a burning question that usually consists of how he managed to pull it off. With his now ex-girlfriend, Sarah Kerrigan, who became the Zerg Swarm's most ruthless leader, it only added to his reputation. With the respect of both the Zerg and the Protoss, he is a worthy candidate of being a legend.

In the Nexus, his days of living have become quite bizarre. Facing off against Diablo, who still holds a grudge over his humiliation in being bested by a human some time ago, is only one example of how many more unusual characters he has encountered. Usually, he still finds himself in the company of Uther, who was his mentor when it came to the Nexus and its universal laws. He had formed a friendship with the elderly paladin, and would sometimes accompany him to introduce newcomers to this world.

Sometimes, he is greeted by the same protoss who call him friend, and his personality has a knack of making good impressions on other heroes, especially ones aligned with the greater good. For today in Luxoria, he was passing the time at a leisurely pace, reminiscing about days long past. The protoss noticed him sitting near the edge of the floating city, and wondered what he was doing.

 The protoss noticed him sitting near the edge of the floating city, and wondered what he was doing

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"Greetings, friend. It's a pleasure to see you here." Tassadar greeted

"James Raynor, what thoughts have you immersed yourself into at this moment?" Zeratul asked

"Commander Raynor, may we join you in your session of pondering?" Artanis requested

"Friend Raynor, it is good to see you here. As the Hierarch suggested, we will join you." Fenix chimed in

" Fenix chimed in

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