Maiev: A Day with Criminals

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This is it! My first chapter is partly inspired from an old fanfic that consisted of Tychus and Illidan as the main characters. I have to admit, that one was funny as hell. Its name is Tychus and Illidan: Tale between to prisoners (FYI, It's spelled like that). So, have fun reading this. If this work gets some love, I will consider doing all the heroes in the game. Until then, stay tuned.



In King's Crest, one of the Nexus's many realms, the pace of the day was strangely calm

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In King's Crest, one of the Nexus's many realms, the pace of the day was strangely calm. No battle was yet signalled for the heroes to participate in, per the orders of the Realm Lords. Many of them were minding their own business, walking about. 

One of these heroes was Maiev Shadowsong, and she was anything but peaceful. Her memories still burning with anger from being "wronged" by those who led her to the path of vengeance, including Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind and Kael'thas Sunstrider. They go way back to the Third War in Dalaran, where she was denied the chance to execute Illidan Stormrage, and hunted him down to Outland in Draenor. By the time she slew him, she felt empty, and decided to go after the night elven couple next.

The Nexus being a strange place, brought all those whom she hated together with her. She first begun to enjoy the prospect of killing them over and over again, as death in this realm is only a temporary setback. Over time, she grew a little exhausted and bored of doing so, including towards Illidan. The Archangel Tyrael and Uther the Lightbringer, two of the most righteous heroes to ever grace the Nexus, noticed her sitting on a bench, looking unusually glum. Knowing what Maiev's state was, especially from all the information they were told by the same people she loathed, they decided to approach her.

"Maiev, how are you doing? I've noticed that you've been so dull lately. Is this because of your past as a warden? I know that you've become way into vengeance, but let me tell you this: You keep that up, you'll only be destroying yourself!" Uther stated

"And what do you know of vengeance, human paladin? The very feeling of it, I bet you do not know." Maiev talked back with a hint of venom

"Maiev, I know what it feels like. Arthas fell down that path and made him into the monster that he is now! And Sylvanas looks like hell, for the Light's sake! For you, however, it's not too late. In the Nexus, we are all on the same boat, and whatever status you may have garnered back in your own world now nearly has no meaning here. In this place, we are all just its residents." he gave an answer

"I couldn't agree more, Uther. Speaking of being a resident, I may have a suggestion to at least reduce your self-destruction. You may not like it, but I believe it will be for the better. After all, we are now together in this realm. Isolating yourself will prove fruitless." Tyrael added in

"Archangel of Justice, what may you suggest for me?" she asked

"You will go to a meeting that the others, including me and Uther, will organize. Be ready in an hour. Meet us in front of the Dragon Knight's statue. We will be waiting." the angel decreed

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