Alarak: Be All You Can Be

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I finally returned to this. Despite the damages Activision had done to Blizzard as a whole, that will not stop me from crafting my own world. Speaking of that, stay tuned for another chapter featuring a very special guest that I will reveal soon. Have fun!



Alarak, Highlord of the Tal'darim, remembered the day he was brought to the Nexus. What he did not expect was that Hierarch Artanis also had the same fate as he did, yet that did not surprise him much. His curiosity of the many different heroes he had met within the Nexus only grew. As usual, his sarcasm was not quite welcome, yet he did not care, as he actually enjoyed their reactions of displeasure. But this time, he decided to be a little bit more aggressive and somewhat harsher to, as the terrans say, spice up his day.

Raven Lord's Domain

"So, how fares the perpetual mobile imprisonment, dragoon? Gotten used to it, I see?"

"Do not test my patience today, tal'darim! Artanis may be able to tolerate you, but there will be no guarantee that it will be to the same extent with me."

"Oh... that is exactly what I am looking for.. it seems your partial immobility has not stemmed your fighting spirit, it seems. I'll give you credit for that, but more pressing matters deserve my attention, hence I must leave."

Fenix was seething with rage within his armored exoskeleton. He would relish the chance to face Alarak again in combat. Though the Nexus removed permanent death, he took this as a golden opportunity to punish the tal'darim whenever the situation calls for it.

King Leoric was found wandering the grounds, and the sadistic tal'darim decided to have some more fun for himself.

"So, you were a king, and I mean WERE. From what I have heard, you were killed by your own people. Not surprising to me, especially when being a Highlord carries the perpetual risk of being slain."


"Hahaha.... You truly are miserable. Even after death, you still cannot accept the fact that you were killed by the very people under your lordship. How delightful."

"SILENCE! Diablo possessed me and shattered my kingdom! The angels from the High Heavens just sat and watched as Khanduras crumbled!"

"Ah, yes. It seems the beings of light have their misgivings, just as expected from deities worshipped by their lowly pawns, and I presume you worshipped them too."

This angered Leoric, and he swung his mace at Alarak, who dodged it.

"Pfft. Pathetic. Do better next time. I hoped you would be a challenge." he said, and went off

Leoric then wraith walked to Alarak, and reappeared in front of him. He followed up with a mighty swing, but was pushed away telekinetically.

"As I said, do better next time." was his final words before he decided to leave for good

Leoric was left with immense frustration and hoped to crush the tal'darim the next time around.

Lady of Thorns' Domain

Alarak then headed out on his merry way, just thinking on who next to quip on. As he walked, he decided to pay the Garden of Thorns a visit.  He always saw how content the populace were, seemingly exempt from any form of military service, and perceived them as weak, commenting that they would perish in his society back on Slayn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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